Scott Wilkie Primary School

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About Scott Wilkie Primary School

Name Scott Wilkie Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Keri Edge
Address Hoskins Close, London, E16 3HD
Phone Number 02074744138
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 363
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and safe at Scott Wilkie.

They look out for each other at school. Pupils know that staff will quickly act upon any concerns they may have. They celebrate the diverse and inclusive school community.

From Nursery onwards, pupils learn how to manage their emotions and treat others with respect.

Staff have exceptionally high expectations of all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils enjoy learning the ambitious and broad curriculum.

They are rightly proud of the wide body of knowledge that they build. Pupils of all ages are well prepared for the next stage of their education. For exampl...e, a 'scholars' programme enables Year 6 pupils to participate in university life.

Staff ensure that pupils' experiences go beyond the academic. They plan multiple visits to enrich different areas of the curriculum. For example, pupils visit the Royal Courts of Justice, the Science Museum, the Olympic Park and different places of worship.

In school, activities include art club, choir, 'reading gladiators' and multi-sports. Both the democratically elected council and the 'rights ambassadors' play an active role in bringing the school's values to life. Pupils know how to stay physically healthy and take part in regular 'run breaks' throughout the school day.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a very ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including pupils with SEND. They have identified the key knowledge that pupils need to secure. This is effectively sequenced from early years onwards to allow pupils to build their learning cumulatively.

For example, in mathematics, children in Reception learn to recognise odd and even numbers. Older pupils use this knowledge when identifying and extending number patterns. Similarly, in physical education, children in early years learn how to identify and move towards spaces when walking and running.

Pupils use this skill as they learn how to defend and attack in a range of sports. This helps pupils in Years 5 and 6 to apply these tactics successfully when playing different sports.

High-quality subject-specific training ensures staff build expertise and present knowledge clearly.

Teachers check pupils' understanding carefully. Any errors or misconceptions are routinely identified and corrected. This helps pupils to develop a depth of knowledge and understanding across different subjects.

Leaders encourage a love of reading across the school. Staff are well trained in the agreed phonics programme and use sounds precisely. Regular assessment allows staff to identify and address any gaps in pupils' phonic knowledge.

Books are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils are learning. This ensures pupils decode and read fluently. Leaders select ambitious texts to ensure that each year group is exposed to a broad range of literature.

Pupils engage well with 'love of reading' sessions at the end of each school day. Staff consistently model and encourage the use of new vocabulary.

Pupils with SEND are swiftly identified.

Regular training is provided on how to help pupils to access the ambitious curriculum. Pupils receive appropriately personalised support, including high-quality interactions with staff. Pupils with SEND are fully included in the life of the school.

Pupils behave exceptionally well around the large school site. This is because expectations are clear and are consistently applied. Leaders have carefully planned playtimes.

Pupils use these times to engage sensibly with a range of different activities. From early years, children learn to show a focused attitude to their learning. They treat others with respect and are keen to support their peers.

Pupils receive appropriate support on the rare occasions when their behaviour or attendance does not match the high expectations of staff.

The curriculum for personal, social, health and economic education is designed to support pupils to learn and embed important ideas. For example, pupils are helped to understand the importance of managing risks and keeping themselves healthy.

All pupils learn how to grow and harvest their own food. For example, children in the early years grow potatoes to make their own salad. Leaders plan multiple opportunities to develop pupils' character, including through regular assemblies focusing on important issues such as democracy and respect.

Staff are exceptionally positive about working at Scott Wilkie. They particularly appreciate the efforts to reduce unnecessary workload and support their well-being. Staff at all levels feel that leaders invest in their development.

This includes a personalised approach to the support that individual staff may need. Knowledgeable trustees and governors provide appropriate levels of challenge and support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure all staff support the strong culture of safeguarding. Staff receive regular training. They report any concerns they have to leaders.

Records demonstrate that swift action is taken to ensure pupils and families get the help they need. Leaders liaise with a range of external partners, including those who provide support during the school holidays.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

For example, pupils discuss how to use social media appropriately and the age restrictions that are in place. Those responsible for governance understand their statutory responsibilities. They check that all staff correctly follow safeguarding processes.

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