Sedbergh School

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About Sedbergh School

Name Sedbergh School
Headteacher Mr Daniel Harrison
Address Malim Lodge, Sedbergh, LA10 5RY
Phone Number 01539620535
Type Independent
Type Other independent school
Age Range 13-18
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 575
Local Authority Westmorland and Furness
Boarding Type Day and Full Boarding
Day Fees £9,945 to £10,230
Boarding Fees £13,500 to £13,890

At Sedbergh we agree that the purpose of education is the making of the adult, the formation of the individual. It is about learning to be yourself, and more than you thought you could be. High calibre teaching staff act as academic models and our nine boarding Houses nurture our community; the intensity of experience that binds us together transforms achievement from a gift bestowed by others into a habit for life. This is how Sedberghians alter the trajectory of their lives.

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