Sellincourt Primary School

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About Sellincourt Primary School

Name Sellincourt Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss H Clayton
Address Sellincourt Road, Tooting, London, SW17 9SA
Phone Number 02086726796
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 395
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Since the previous inspection, leaders have been instrumental in ensuring that pupils now receive a good standard of education. Leaders' tenacious focus on standards of teaching and learning, particularly for teachers new to the school, has been excellent.

This allows for consistency in standards across the school. The interim headteacher provides strong, reflective leadership and the two deputy headteachers provide excellent support. Together, they have been essential to the stability and improvements in the school.

However, the effectiveness of middle leadership is still at an early stage of development. Governors are ambitious for the and have a clear understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. They reflect on their own practice well and hold leaders to account.

The behaviour of pupils is good. They understand the school's values very well. The majority of parents agree that pupils show great respect to their peers and value the broad and balanced curriculum, which supports their development.

Teachers know their pupils well. There is a consistent, whole-school drive to develop pupils' speaking and listening skills. Teachers ask probing questions and have high expectations.

Leaders' actions to improve attendance have been successful. Previous rates of poor attendance have improved. Pupils with education, health and care plans for hearing impairment receive effective support.

They are included fully in lessons and receive expert help. Provision for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities has been variable. Owing to past weak leadership, these pupils make limited progress.

Children in Nursery and the early years receive strong support. They make good progress and receive effective support from adults. Children thrive in a safe and stimulating environment.

Standards across the school are rising. Pupils make good progress from their starting points and attain typically in line with national averages.

Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.

Sellincourt Primary School is larger than the average-sized primary school. The interim headteacher took up her post in May 2017. The school has two substantive deputy headteachers.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils eligible for additional funding through the pupil premium is higher than average. Most pupils come from minority ethnic heritages and this proportion is much higher than average. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is much higher than average.

The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is higher than average. The school has an on-site specialist Hearing Support Centre, called the Willow Centre. It provides support to 15 pupils who all have an education, health and care plan.

Many of these pupils receive support in class. A Nursery operates part time for some children and full time for others. Children in Reception attend all day.

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