Servite RC Primary School

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About Servite RC Primary School

Name Servite RC Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Ms Kathleen Williams
Address 252 Fulham Road, London, SW10 9NA
Phone Number 02073522588
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 205
Local Authority Kensington and Chelsea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Servite exudes a strong sense of community and togetherness. Pupils, staff, and parents and carers said that they are proud to be a part of this happy and caring school. The warm and nurturing relationships that exist between pupils and staff are at the centre of the school's success.

Leaders have high ambitions for all pupils and support them in imagining possibilities. Pupils recognise this and aspire to 'living a life without limits'. In lessons, they work hard and have determination to do their very best.

Pupils are respectful and have exceptional attitudes towards learning. Behaviour is exemplary.

At playtimes, pupils from different year groups play toge...ther harmoniously.

Pupils feel safe. They know what bullying is. They said that it is rare because they 'know how to love and care for each other'.

Pupils are confident that staff would sort out any bullying or racist incidents if these were to happen.

Pupils experience a range of activities both in and out of school. They visit lots of places linked to the subjects they are studying.

Parents are extremely positive about the school. One parent's view echoed that of many others when they said: 'The school environment is special and very supportive of children's development, learning and well-being.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a well-planned and exciting curriculum.

They build in regular opportunities, 'milestones', to check that pupils are on track to learn and remember what they need to know. Pupils benefit from a consistently high-quality education across all subjects. Pupils confidently explain what they know.

They understand the research that underlies how they use their long-term memory to remember important knowledge. They draw on a wide range of knowledge that they have learned in the past. Teachers enable this by revisiting content at the start of lessons.

The school is inclusive. Staff show commitment to ensuring that 'no child is left behind'. Leaders focus on all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, in keeping up with what they need to learn.

Teachers make sure that individual pupils have what they need to learn well. Teachers check regularly how well pupils are doing.

Staff contribute strongly to the shared vision that all pupils must become fluent readers.

Leaders put great emphasis on reading. In Nursery, staff provide many opportunities to prepare children to become readers, such as through rhymes, stories and songs. This prepares children well for starting the phonics programme when they start Reception.

Pupils enjoy reading the diverse range of texts available in the well-stocked, attractive book areas. They work with local and national theatre companies to retell and perform stories from different countries and cultures. All staff receive regular training in teaching phonics.

Pupils achieve consistently well in reading, writing and mathematics. They also achieve highly in the other subjects they are taught.

In mathematics, teachers support pupils in their understanding of concepts.

Children in Reception develop secure knowledge of numbers to 20. As they move through the school, pupils become increasingly confident in applying their knowledge of number to more complex mathematical concepts. Pupils appreciate the balance between the challenging work and the fun learning opportunities.

Pupils confidently use a range of strategies when they get stuck.

Leaders have created a positive environment that reflects the school's motto: 'learning to love, loving to learn'. Staff inspire pupils to learn.

Fostering this love of learning begins in early years. Staff encourage children's participation in a range of carefully planned activities. These experiences link to all the areas of early years development.

Pupils become highly motivated, enthusiastic and independent learners.

The school's provision and curriculum to support pupils' personal development are exceptional. Teachers train pupils in Year 6 to lead 'pupil circles'.

These provide pupils with opportunities to discuss issues such as diversity, discrimination and tolerance of each other's views. Pupils feel that adults listen and respond to their ideas.

Pupils actively help local charities.

They proudly live up to the school's value of 'showing love and faith by serving others'. Staff support parents as well as pupils in offering care and guidance. The school's social worker, mental health practitioner and external agencies support the mental health of pupils, staff and parents.

Staff members work as a close team to ensure that the school's values and procedures are consistently promoted and followed in all that they do. They are well-trained and supported in meeting the needs of all pupils so they can flourish. Staff are unanimous in their view that they are proud of, and enjoy working at, the school.

They said that staff well-being is always a priority and that while leaders' expectations are high, they feel supported and trusted.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders give safeguarding the highest priority.

They carry out all the necessary recruitment checks before adults start to work in the school. They keep detailed and comprehensive safeguarding records.

Staff are well-trained in knowing how to spot and support vulnerable pupils.

Staff are clear about the procedures for reporting concerns about pupils' welfare. Leaders are proactive in preventing situations from escalating. They take swift action to get families the help they need.

Pupils are safe and well looked after. They know how to keep themselves safe. They can confidently explain how to stay safe online and in their local community.

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