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Pupils know that their teachers care about them. Adults make sure that pupils are safe. They learn in a calm and purposeful environment.
Pupils learn about highly relevant aspects of the world through the 'Big Ideas' programme.
Pupils accept and respect those who are different from them. Pupils feel welcomed and protected.
They work positively with each other and independently. Older pupils demonstrate a mature attitude and a passion for learning. They are strong role models for younger pupils.
Pupils say that bullying does not happen very often. They acknowledge that teachers will deal with it quickly.
The sc...hool's motto of 'Enriching minds and enabling success' has helped to drive the school's improvement.
Pupils have a wider understanding of the bigger world and of those issues that directly affect them. They learn about how their subjects equip them with the knowledge for a wide range of professions. Many pupils participate in a number of additional activities to help them gain important social skills.
They learn to lead and organise events. They also contribute to the local community by raising money for charitable causes.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum.
Pupils take a broader range of subjects than was previously the case. The number of pupils taking the full English Baccalaureate is increasing. Leaders have plans in place to ensure that it increases even further.
Teachers have strong knowledge of their subjects, and they know how to teach them well. Pupils gain knowledge in logical stages. What they learn builds on what they have learned before.
They therefore grasp complex ideas as they get older. Teachers ensure that pupils practise what they have previously learned. Pupils say this helps them to remember more.
At times, some teachers do not revisit what key stage 3 pupils have previously learned well enough. As a result of this, some pupils do not recall knowledge as well as they should.
The quality of most teachers' questioning is often a strength.
This helps teachers to know what pupils have learned. These teachers prompt pupils so that they can hone their knowledge and deepen their understanding. At times, some teachers do not check learning as well.
As a result, a small number of teachers may not be sure about what knowledge some pupils have gained, across all subjects.
Leaders ensure that teachers know how best to help pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Teachers provide pupils with more practice and individual support if it is needed.
Leaders quickly identify how to help those pupils who do not read as well as they could. They receive specialist help to catch up. A very small number of pupils receive appropriate alternative provision off site.
Pupils say the 'Habits for Success' programme has helped them to behave very well around school and in lessons. Leaders reward positive behaviours and hard work with a dazzling array of badges and stars. Pupils proudly wear these on their blazers.
Leaders communicate a strong vision of nurturing young people with the 'social knowledge and skills' to do well in life. The 'Big Ideas' programme stimulates older pupils' curiosity. Pupils develop their understanding of important concepts such as the environment, democracy and discrimination.
Pupils learn how to cultivate positive healthy relationships, in an age-appropriate way. They learn how their behaviour can affect how others feel. Pupils acknowledge how teachers support and include everybody.
Leaders provide pupils with rich information and guidance about future training, education and careers. Leaders are keen to provide more on-site work experience following the pandemic. The school's careers provision meets the Baker Clause, which requires schools to provide pupils in Years 8 to 13 with information about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.
The governors and the Boudica Schools Trust have helped leaders to improve the school considerably since the previous inspection. Leaders have a clear understanding of what the school does well. They are eager to improve even further.
Governors hold leaders firmly to account. They have strong oversight of how the school keeps children safe and meets needs.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff are highly vigilant in ensuring pupils' well-being and safety. Adults undergo regular safeguarding training. They report concerns quickly to leaders.
Teachers say that leaders respond appropriately.
The safeguarding team makes use of a range of agencies to ensure pupils receive the right help. Pupils know how to keep safe.
They understand the risks in society and on the internet. There is always someone with whom they can share any concerns.
Leaders meticulously check the suitability of all new staff before they start at the school.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• At times, some pupils are not able to remember knowledge as well as they might. This is because some of their teachers do not provide enough practice in lessons, taking into consideration what pupils already know and understand. Leaders need to ensure that all teachers have a strong understanding of what pupils have learned previously and revisit previously learned knowledge regularly to help all pupils remember and make better progress over time.