Shakespeare Junior School

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About Shakespeare Junior School

Name Shakespeare Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Steve Cox
Address St Catherine’s Road, Eastleigh, SO50 4JT
Phone Number 02380618905
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 351
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Shakespeare Junior is a cheerful school with lots of smiling children.

Pupils speak fondly of the annual theatre visit, where they learn more about William Shakespeare's plays. They have a sense of community and togetherness. They are proud of their school.

The school's 'ASPIRE' values permeate its work. These values help pupils learn about behaviours, such as being active or strategic, that help in their learning. Pupils focus well in their lessons and join in.

They wear their 'ASPIRE' badges with pride. Staff expect them to be 'ready, respectful and responsible'. Pupils live up to these expectations.

They love it when teachers recognise that they h...ave worked hard and reward them with a 'proud of' certificate.

Pupils are not concerned about bullying. They feel safe in school.

Staff are well trained in how to deal with bullying if it were to happen. Pupils say teachers sort out any bullying well. Leaders do not tolerate derogatory language.

As one pupil said, 'We don't use that in our school'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have made sure that there is a well-designed curriculum in place. They have identified the key knowledge that pupils need to learn and remember.

Subject leaders receive effective training. This means that they know how to support teachers to deliver lessons. Teachers know the order in which they need to deliver new knowledge.

They have strong subject knowledge. This is particularly the case in mathematics, history and geography. They present content clearly so that pupils achieve well.

Teachers use assessment accurately to spot gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding. For example, in computing, leaders have identified simple tasks, which tell teachers what pupils have remembered over time.

Pupils love reading and listening to stories.

They value the well-stocked library.They talk knowledgeably about the books and authors they like best. In English lessons, most pupils are able to retrieve information from books confidently.

For example, in Year 6, pupils were using the autobiography 'The Long Walk to Freedom' to create a detailed timeline about Nelson Mandela's life. Teachers also teach pupils to understand deeper meanings in texts successfully.

However, this year, due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, more pupils have joined the school in Year 3 unable to read fluently.

Leaders have acted quickly to address this. They know that they need to put more resources into supporting these pupils to catch up. This includes additional training for staff and ordering new books to help pupils who still need support with phonics.

All staff have high expectations for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Their needs are accurately identified. Pupils with SEND learn successfully alongside their classmates.

This includes the pupils who attend the school's specially resourced provision, 'Class 8'. The special educational needs coordinator liaises regularly with staff and parents. Communication is good.

This has led to teachers knowing exactly how best to adapt plans and provide the right resources to meet these vulnerable pupils' needs.Leaders provide for pupils' wider development well. Pupils love their cooking and nutrition lessons.

They understand how to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Pupils learn about a range of different faiths and the importance of respect for others. As one pupil said, 'It doesn't matter about your race, ethnicity or disability, you are welcome here.'

Leaders have made sure that there is a clear behaviour policy. Everyone understands it and sticks to it. Because of this, behaviour in lessons is calm and purposeful and exclusions have dropped considerably.

Staff say that leaders are approachable and supportive. Leaders consider staff workload when introducing new ideas. All staff who replied to the Ofsted staff survey said that they enjoy working at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff know their pupils well. They receive regular safeguarding training and updates.

Staff are alert to any signs that may mean a pupil is worried about something. They report concerns promptly to the designated safeguarding leader.

Leaders keep detailed safeguarding records.

They act swiftly on concerns, involving external agencies when appropriate.

Governors carry out safeguarding audits to make sure that pupils are safe. They check that policies work well in practice.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. For example, pupils know what to do if they receive a worrying message on a device.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some of the weakest readers in the lower school are not getting the help they need to learn to read confidently.

Some staff do not have the subject knowledge to teach phonics well enough and additional phonics reading resources are required. As a result, some pupils are not learning the skills they need to become fluent readers fast enough. Leaders are aware of this but should act with renewed urgency to strengthen the teaching of phonics.

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