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Pupils experience a variable quality of education.
Leaders have made recent improvements to the curriculum in subjects such as early reading and science. Pupils learn well in these areas. This is not the case across the curriculum.
In some subjects, pupils' learning is not as deep as it is in others.
Pupils, including children in early years, enjoy coming to school. Staff provide a supportive atmosphere where pupils behave well and are friendly to one another.
Pupils are polite, well mannered, and respectful towards staff and their peers. They listen intently to what other pupils have to say and then build on this with their own ideas or comments. Pu...pils feel safe and say that bulling does not happen at school.
They are clear about the school rules, rewards and consequences.
Pupils enjoy taking on many different responsibilities. They appreciate being a member of the school council or a well-being ambassador.
Their desire to help others is not limited to these roles. Pupils have a friendship bench in the playground where they can help their friends. They enjoy spending time in the peace garden.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have recently introduced a new phonics programme. This has been effectively implemented, with training provided to all staff. Pupils make good progress through the planned phonics curriculum.
Extra sessions are provided for pupils at risk of falling behind. Staff match pupils' reading books well to the sounds that they know. Adults help pupils to learn to read well.
In mathematics, leaders have implemented well-sequenced plans which help pupils know more about different mathematical ideas. In both early reading and mathematics, assessment is used well to ensure that teachers have a good understanding of what pupils know and need to be taught next.
Pupils' learning in the wider curriculum is less secure.
Teachers do not use assessment well to check what pupils have learned in some foundation subjects. This makes it difficult for teachers to identify gaps in pupils' understanding. Resources to support learning, including the use of other adults, are not used to full effect.
In some subjects, pupils experience gaps in time between studying topics. When this is the case, pupils sometimes find it difficult to remember what they have been taught.
In other areas of the school, staff meet the needs of children well.
Staff have high ambitions for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff modify their teaching to help pupils with SEND learn the same curriculum as their peers, wherever possible. In early years, adults know the needs and interests of their children.
They use ambitious and accurate language in their interactions with children, and this extends their understanding.
Pupils, including children in the early years, behave well. In early years, children follow instructions and work cooperatively with their peers inside the classroom and outside.
Staff make sure pupils follow school rules and routines. Pupils' behaviour is good in lessons and around school. Incidents of poor behaviour are rare.
Leaders use consequences, including suspensions, appropriately. Pupils value school and attend well. In early years, children show positive attitudes to learning.
Staff stimulate a natural curiosity in children and help them to sustain their concentration well.
Staff provide pupils with a range of opportunities to support their personal development. This is evident through the different roles that pupils can carry out or the clubs that they can join, such as the lunchtime choir.
However, pupils' understanding of British values and protected characteristics is limited. Pupils also have a limited knowledge of religion. They are able to recall general principles, but cannot attribute them to any particular faith.
Leaders acknowledge that this is due to previous weaknesses in the curriculum.
Governors are developing a better awareness of their roles. However, they are not yet sufficiently trained to hold leaders fully to account.
Leaders are working with colleagues from the local authority and the diocese to strengthen leadership. This has added capacity, but leaders are aware there is still work to do. For example, leaders have begun to check the curriculum, but this work is not yet secure.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure that staff receive regular safeguarding training on how to keep children safe. Staff receive weekly updates to ensure that they know how to deal with different safeguarding issues.
Leaders check the suitability of adults working with pupils.
Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe in school and online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The implementation of the curriculum in some subjects is variable.
Staff do not use assessment well enough to check what pupils already know in the wider curriculum. Leaders should ensure that assessment is used and acted on in all subjects so that teaching builds carefully on what pupils need to know. ? Pupils have a limited understanding of the protected characteristics and of different faiths.
Leaders should strengthen the curriculum so that pupils are better prepared for life in modern Britain. Governors do not to hold leaders to account well enough. They need to continue their strategic review to ensure governors in all their roles have the required knowledge and skills to quality assure the work of school leaders.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.