Shaw CE Primary School

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About Shaw CE Primary School

Name Shaw CE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Thomas Brewer
Address Corsham Road, Shaw, Melksham, SN12 8EQ
Phone Number 01225702544
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 198
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Shaw School is a calm and orderly place where pupils learn well. The relationships between staff and pupils are warm and encouraging.

Pupils are respectful and polite towards one another. They talk excitedly of the Christian and school values that support and guide them in their day. Leaders and staff share a passion for every pupil to do as well as they can, both socially and academically.

Leaders and staff promote pupils' health and mental well-being well, including for those with complex needs. Pupils feel valued. Staff listen to them in a climate of respect and compassion.

Pupils know adults will help them if they have any worries. Pupils play well at social times. They feel safe in school.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), enjoy sports and use the playground 'scrap store' to devise games. Bullying is rare. If bullying happens, pupils are confident that staff will sort it out quickly.

Staff expect pupils to behave well and they do. There is little disruption to learning. Many parents and carers praise the passion and dedication of staff.

They said staff make the school 'inclusive and welcoming'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

From the start of Reception Year, children begin to understand phonics. Teachers have strong subject knowledge because they receive regular training.

They use assessments well to identify pupils who need extra help. In Years 1 and 2, pupils who are at risk of falling behind receive timely support to keep up.

Staff match pupils' early reading books to the sounds they know.

They make efforts to promote reading for pleasure. Staff introduce pupils to new authors and exciting books. Teachers know what pupils need to learn next in reading.

They check that pupils learn and understand new vocabulary. In key stage 2, pupils learn how to analyse the high-quality books teachers read with them.

Leaders and teachers have thought carefully about what they want pupils to learn through the curriculum.

Subject plans are clearly sequenced. Leaders have thought about how they deepen pupils' knowledge and skills over time. Pupils confidently recall what they know in some subjects.

For example, in physical education, they build on what pupils have learned in the early years to develop concepts, such as moving into space.

Assessment is in the early stages of development in some other subjects. Not every subject leader has a detailed understanding of how well pupils learn the curriculum from Reception to Year 6.

Pupils learn what they should in mathematics. Teachers challenge pupils to apply their knowledge to solving problems. Pupils are diligent and enjoy their lessons.

Sometimes, pupils' work is not set out as leaders expect. Some pupils do not take care recording their work, which leads to inaccuracy in pupils' calculations.Leaders identify the needs of pupils with SEND well.

Staff make sure that pupils receive the right support. For example, in mathematics, all teachers break learning into smaller and more manageable steps to help pupils. Leaders use support from local experts when necessary to develop pupils' early language and communication skills.

Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to develop an understanding of moral and social issues. As a result, pupils do not judge others and have a clear sense of right from wrong. Older pupils say they are confident to challenge forms of discrimination.

They learn about physical and mental health and what makes a positive relationship. Pupils learn about different identities and cultures. The school promotes fundamental British values well alongside its school values.

Pupils' comments included: 'The school helps us to be good adults.' Leaders track pupils' attendance with care. They follow up on any issues.

Pupils come to school regularly. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe, in and out of school and online.

Governors are ambitious for the school's future.

They are developing their understanding of what the school does well and what it needs to do next. Staff are a cohesive team. They say leaders are considerate of their well-being.

Leaders are using new approaches to share workload.

Trust leaders and governors provide challenge and support to the school and commit to engaging well with parents. Many parents support the recent changes to staff and leaders.

Most recognise they are having a positive effect.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that it is everyone's responsibility to keep pupils safe.

Staff know how to report any safeguarding concerns. Leaders keep thorough records to enable them to track these.

Leaders work with a range of agencies when pupils and families need help.

Well-thought-out decisions mean families get the help they need.

The appropriate checks are in place to ensure staff are suitable to work with pupils.

The school has suitable policies in place to raise awareness among staff and parents about the dangers of sexual harassment, online sexual abuse and sexual violence.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects in the wider curriculum, leaders do not assess what pupils know and what they need to learn next. Subject leaders should check pupils' understanding of their subjects to assure themselves of the quality of learning over time. ? School leaders' expectations about the care pupils take in their work are not met consistently.

As a result, some pupils do not record their work effectively in, for example, mathematics. This limits pupils' ability to calculate accurately, which leads to errors in their work. Leaders must ensure that teachers have clear expectations of how work is set out.

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