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Pupils greet everyone with a warm welcome to this friendly, inclusive and forward-thinking school. Pastoral care and well-being are valued highly, ensuring that pupils feel cared for, joyful and safe.
Parents say that staff 'go above and beyond to ensure that pupils are happy and fulfilled'. This is seen in cheerful playtimes, calm classrooms and pupils' active involvement in a rich offer of opportunities beyond the academic. Pupils proudly represent the school in a wide range of experiences.
They learn to be aspirational through careers events and links with businesses and universities. The school is passionate that pupils see no limits to their potential. Outdoor ed...ucation, residential activity weeks, trips and visits enrich pupils' lives beyond the classrooms.
Behaviour starts well in early years, where high expectations are established for all. Conduct throughout the school is positive, so learning time is never lost. This helps pupils to achieve well across the curriculum.
Trustees and leaders are driving innovative curriculum developments. Technology is harnessed to enable rich learning opportunities for all. Every pupil has their own device, accessing software to help them with their learning.
This approach benefits all, particularly pupils who are disadvantaged, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's curriculum has been developed with clearly defined knowledge, skills and language, with staunch support from the trust. Teachers' subject expertise has been boosted by a wealth of training opportunities and collaboration with partner schools.
Teachers design lesson activities to engage, include and inspire pupils, often using technology. Online resources and digital tools help pupils to be inquisitive and independent. Staff check pupils' understanding routinely and work together to identify where extra help is needed for pupils with SEND.
Provision is then planned and reviewed to ensure equity, with all pupils accessing the full breadth of learning. Foundation subjects, such as modern foreign languages, are highly valued, ensuring a broad curriculum for all. Since joining the trust, the school has introduced a range of new curriculum approaches.
However, there remain minor inconsistencies in teaching. This means that while pupils generally achieve well, sometimes their recall of key content is not secure.
Reading starts strongly in early years.
Staff teach the phonics programme well, and children show sustained concentration and engagement. Pupils learn to become fluent and confident readers as they progress through the school. Staff provide effective support for anyone who struggles.
The school helps pupils practise the sounds they need to work on by using precisely matched texts. Early mathematics also starts well in Reception. Pupils learn vital number skills successfully through a breadth of opportunities in the caring and well-resourced early years environment.
Children learn to write accurately, make music, solve problems and develop agility skills by using equipment safely.
Behaviour is good across the school. Everyone understands and fulfils the clear and high expectations of the school's behaviour policy.
Relationships are nurturing and supportive, reflecting mutual compassion and respect. Pupils who need help to manage their emotions benefit from a rich pastoral provision. Attendance is better than the national average as a result of impressive work by the school to challenge absence.
Pupils' personal development is enriched with a range of responsibilities. Through roles such as digital leader, eco-squad and pupil ambassador, pupils learn to make a tangible difference to school life. Pupils say that everyone is equal and that differences should be celebrated because 'they make us unique'.
Pupils study a range of faiths, and links with the local church enhance spiritual development further. A diverse offer of free clubs ensures something for everyone. A superb range of sports opportunities are greatly appreciated by pupils and parents.
Music and theatre experiences provide wider enrichment, celebrating and nurturing pupils' individual and shared talents. The school prepares pupils well for modern Britain with effective personal, social, health and economic education. Pupils develop a secure understanding of healthy relationships, fundamental British values and online safety.
Trustees and governors fulfil duties with expertise and diligence, providing impactful support and challenge. Many parents describe seeing impressive improvements since the school joined the trust, citing positive impact on pupils' learning, welfare and behaviour. Staff well-being is excellent.
Everyone is happy and proud to be part of the school and the trust. Teachers, including those early in their careers, are thriving with professional development. Well-being and workload are managed well, so everyone feels valued and supported.
Leaders are deeply caring, dedicated and reflective. They have led successful improvements across the school, with pupils at the heart of their decisions.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some of the recent curriculum improvements are not fully embedded across the school. As a result, some pupils do not make strong progress through the curriculum to achieve highly. The school must secure consistency of teaching across all subjects to support pupils achieving highly across the whole curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.