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This is a good school Leaders have improved the school substantially since the previous inspection. Morale among staff is high. Pupils agree that the school has improved.
They are positive about the relationships between pupils and staff. Leaders have acted since the previous inspection to improve the breadth and balance of the curriculum. A wider range of subjects is taught and pupils' options for key stage 4 have increased.
The quality of teaching, learning and assessment has improved. Teachers have high aspirations for all pupils. Teachers' planning includes meeting the learning needs of those pupils who are disadvantaged and those with special educational ...needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils feel safe in school and safeguarding is effective. Leaders ensure that pupils are well prepared for life beyond school through an effective programme for personal, social, health, careers and economics education. Pupils' rates of attendance are improving.
This is despite the challenge presented by the substantial number of pupils joining the school during the year, many of whom have poor habits of attendance on arrival. Pupils' behaviour has improved since the previous inspection. Rates of fixed-term exclusion and permanent exclusion have fallen.
Staff and pupils alike are unanimous that standards of behaviour are much improved. Pupils' progress over the previous two years is above the national average. However, beneath the headline figure, pupils' progress in a range of subjects, including English, has been well below the national average for several years.
Current pupils are making much stronger progress as a result of improved teaching. While most pupils are keen to learn and improve their work, a few are passive in class and less engaged in their learning than the majority. Although the behaviour of the very large majority of pupils is consistently good, a 'hard core' of pupils do not conduct themselves to the same good standards.
Information about this school
The school is part of the United Learning Trust, which it joined on 1 September 2006. The trustees of the United Learning Trust hold responsibility for the performance of the school. Some delegated authority rests with the local governing body.
There has been a substantial amount of change in staffing since the previous inspection. The executive principal and the trust regional director with responsibility for the school took up their roles just before the previous inspection. The headteacher was appointed in March 2017.
Most of the senior team took up their roles following the headteacher's appointment. Since the previous inspection, 67 staff have left the school. The pupils attending the school are predominantly of White British heritage.
The school serves an area of disadvantage which is above the national average. The proportion of pupils who are entitled to free school meals is in the top 20% of schools nationally. The school has links with two providers of alternative education: Heeley City Farm and The Meadows.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.