Sherburn Church of England Primary Academy

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About Sherburn Church of England Primary Academy

Name Sherburn Church of England Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Mrs Jo Mould
Address St. Hildas Street, Sherburn, Malton, YO17 8PG
Phone Number 01944710282
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils Unknown
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders and staff ensure that most pupils behave well, both inside and outside of the classroom.

On the playground, pupils of all ages play well together. However, incidents of low-level disruption occur during lessons. Some pupils do not concentrate well consistently.

Relationships between staff and pupils are caring and supportive. Pupils say that bullying sometimes occurs, but not very often. They know that staff deal with bullying very quickly.

Staff help pupils if they have any worries or concerns.

Most pupils enjoy learning at this school. Leaders have improved the curriculum in subjects such as mathematics and design and technology (DT) so tha...t pupils know and remember more.

However, some curriculum plans have not been developed fully, including those in the early years.

Pupils attend a wide range of clubs. They benefit from varied and interesting experiences.

These include opportunities to speak with a range of professionals about their jobs. Pupils gain experience of a wide range of potential careers.

Leaders and governors do not have an accurate picture of safeguarding in the school.

The arrangements for keeping children safe are poor.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Members of the governing body care for the pupils and staff at the school. However, they have not fulfilled their statutory duties.

Governors have not made sure that the pupils are safeguarded effectively. They do not challenge leaders appropriately or check that policies are up to date.

Many pupils behave well and are keen to learn.

Since September, leaders have focused on behaviour and developing the curriculum. Leaders have implemented a new behaviour policy that addresses the poor behaviours of some pupils successfully. However, a significant minority of pupils lack motivation and do not pay attention in class consistently.

Teachers do not have high enough expectations of pupils' behaviour. They do not respond to pupils' low-level disruption quickly. This low-level disruption hinders pupils' learning.

Leaders have prioritised reading and mathematics. The mathematics curriculum is well structured and builds on what pupils already know from Nursery to Year 6. Teachers check what pupils know and can do regularly.

They identify gaps in pupils' knowledge quickly and plan interventions. While these interventions are effective in mathematics, teachers do not ensure that pupils who struggle to read receive regular and appropriate support. This means that pupils do not catch up in reading quickly.

Children in Reception now receive daily phonics lessons. These daily phonics lessons have only started recently. Children in Reception are given books to read that do not consistently match the sounds that they know and are learning.

The children are not reading as well as they should at this point in the academic year. They are not ready for the demands of Year 1.

In some subjects, such as DT, leaders have spent time thinking about what they want pupils to know and remember.

They have identified key knowledge and organise learning so that it builds on what pupils already know. Pupils enjoy these lessons. However, in the early years and in subjects such as geography, leaders are still in the early stages of developing the curriculum.

In these areas, current curriculum plans lack substance. The small steps that pupils need to take to learn new content are not explicit enough. As a result, pupils only remember some of what has been taught.

Most pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) thrive in this school. Their needs are identified accurately. The support that the special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) and teachers plan ensures that pupils access the same curriculum as their peers.

However, there are a few pupils with education, health and care plans whose education needs are not being met well.

The curriculum for personal, social and health education (PSHE) covers a wide range of topics. Pupils talk confidently about the different types of relationships that exist.

However, teachers deliver too many lessons that cover what pupils already know and can remember thoroughly. Older pupils do not receive PSHE lessons regularly. This means that some curriculum content is not delivered to older pupils.

For example, fundamental British values have not been taught to the older cohorts of pupils in the school. As a result, there are gaps in some of the essential knowledge necessary to support pupils to be safe, active and responsible citizens.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.

Staff receive safeguarding training. They understand the school's context and local safeguarding risks. They are knowledgeable about the indicators of abuse and neglect.

Staff record safeguarding incidents on the school's management information system appropriately. However, leaders do not check these safeguarding records regularly. They do not identify patterns or trends in safeguarding incidents that should alert them to any pupils that may be at risk of harm or neglect.

The designated safeguarding lead does not respond to safeguarding concerns using the latest statutory guidance.

Leaders do not make sure that medical healthcare plans are in place for all pupils with medical needs. They do not review the existing medical healthcare plans often enough to ensure they remain current and appropriate.

This leaves pupils at risk if they become unwell at school.Leaders have failed to support some pupils who do not attend school. They do not check to make sure that these pupils are safe.

Leaders have not followed the school's policies and procedures in relation to pupils who are absent.

Governors are not aware of their statutory responsibilities, particularly in relation to safeguarding. Their knowledge around how to keep pupils safe is poor.

They do not receive regular training. As a result, they are unable to challenge leaders effectively about the standard of safeguarding in school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There are weaknesses in leaders' safeguarding practices and procedures.

These weaknesses have the potential to leave pupils unsafe. Leaders should review the incidents that are recorded on the school's management information system regularly to identify pupils who may be at risk. Pupils who do not attend school regularly must have their welfare checked.

Leaders must ensure that pupils' medical healthcare plans are in place, up to date and shared with staff. ? Governors do not understand or fulfil their statutory responsibilities for keeping children safe. Key policies are out of date and do not reflect what is happening in school.

Governors do not challenge leaders robustly. The governing body should take the necessary steps to ensure they understand their duties in relation to safeguarding and challenge leaders effectively. ? Until recently, children in Reception have not been taught phonics every day.

Pupils, who struggle to read, do not catch up quickly. Children do not read books that match their phonics knowledge consistently. Leaders need to ensure that pupils read accurately and fluently because teachers deliver the school's phonics scheme well.

• Leaders have not planned and sequenced the curriculum carefully in the early years and for some subjects such as geography. Pupils are confused about what they have learned. They do not know more and remember more.

Leaders need to develop the curriculums in these areas rapidly. ? Older pupils do not receive regular PSHE lessons. Their knowledge does not build on what they remember.

Older pupils do not know about fundamental British values and other elements of the curriculum. Leaders need to ensure that they set out the exact knowledge and skills that they want pupils to be able to know and do. ? Some pupils do not engage with their lessons consistently well.

They cause low-level disruption. Leaders should ensure that staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Staff should challenge those pupils who are not focused on their learning in the classroom to do so quickly.

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