Sheringham Primary School

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About Sheringham Primary School

Name Sheringham Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr James Tancock
Address Sheringham Avenue, Manor Park, London, E12 5PB
Phone Number 02084784244
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 600
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and enthusiastic about their school which provides an exciting well-planned curriculum.

Pupils enjoy their learning. All staff take great care to understand and know individual pupils very well. Pupils thrive in a caring and nurturing environment.

Staff enable pupils to respect and understand different faiths, beliefs and views. This creates a harmonious and happy school environment.

Behaviour is extremely positive throughout the school.

Pupils' attitudes to their learning are exemplary. They focus on their work and enjoy collaborating with each other. Pupils demonstrate great respect for each other.

In discussions, they val...ue each other's opinions and respectfully challenge ideas. Pupils feel safe in school. They know they can share any concerns in the 'tell me box'.

They trust that any adult will listen and support them.

The school provides a wealth of well-planned enrichment opportunities. They ensure pupils gain a range of life experiences.

For instance, pupils go to the theatre and experience live music. Regular and extended clubs across the school year enable pupils to develop skills over time. Pupils play in sporting tournaments and perform in theatres.

They take on a variety of leadership responsibilities. Pupils are proud to make a positive difference to their school community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is ambitious in its curriculum development.

Leaders continually strive to improve the curriculum offer for all pupils. The school provides effective support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff identify pupils' needs precisely, enabling pupils with SEND to receive targeted and excellent support.

Teachers adapt learning highly effectively to ensure that all pupils succeed. They use resources skilfully to help pupils to learn successfully.

The school has considered the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary that they want pupils to know.

Leaders are ambitious in ensuring children gain a range of perspectives. For example, in history, untold historical stories support pupils' learning about diversity. Children receive a strong start in the early years.

Staff are aware of pupils' starting points and ensure the curriculum addresses their individual needs. Communication and language are a priority across the school. Children in Reception receive a language-rich environment.

For instance, children used descriptive and scientific language to describe their 'Arctic' water role play.

Consistent teaching approaches enable all pupils to access learning. This helps pupils to be highly articulate when sharing their answers and strategies.

Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge which enables them to support and challenge pupils. Teachers check on pupils' learning throughout lessons and address any misconceptions quickly. The school has enhanced its mathematics curriculum in the lower years to ensure pupils are secure with number facts.

Pupils have strong recall of prior learning and make connections between their learning. For instance, in physical education, pupils in Year 5 could relate the skills they used to control a ball in football to a puck in hockey.

Early reading is a high priority for the school.

Pupils learn to read through consistently delivered lessons. Teachers support those new to the school and who speak English as an additional language effectively through bespoke phonics lessons. Pupils know their phonics sounds and practise reading with books matched to their understanding.

A love of reading develops throughout the school. Teachers use carefully chosen texts to stimulate discussions and develop pupils' understanding of the world around them.

Staff know their pupils and families well.

They are proactive in providing the support that pupils need to flourish. Leaders work closely with families to ensure positive attendance and punctuality. Respectful working relationships between all adults and pupils are evident throughout the school.

Playtimes are fun and lively. The school council has worked with leaders to increase the variety of activities. Pupils enjoy dance, games and quiet reading areas.

The school is ambitious about the opportunities and experiences it provides for all pupils. Personal development opportunities support pupils to leave school with confidence. This prepares pupils very well for their next stages in education.

Outings and overnight stays are carefully planned to provide a wealth of experiences. Pupils explore the local area, learning about history and gaining a sense of community. Pupils learn how to keep mentally and physically healthy.

Teachers ensure pupils have strategies to understand their emotions.

The trust and local governing body have a secure understanding of the school's strengths. They continually strive to improve the educational offer for all pupils.

Leaders provide staff with effective tailored professional development working collaboratively across the trust. Staff feel supported by leaders and are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
Sheringham Nursery School & Children’s Centre

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