Sholing Junior School

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About Sholing Junior School

Name Sholing Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Matthew Abbott
Address Middle Road, Southampton, SO19 8PT
Phone Number 02380447448
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 353
Local Authority Southampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders and governors have high ambitions for all staff and pupils. The school's vision of 'Achieving Together' is central to life at Sholing Junior School.

Pupils are happy and enjoy coming to school. They describe the school as 'caring', 'fun' and 'wonderful'.

Pupils behave well and are polite and welcoming.

Relationships between staff and pupils are strong. Pupils know that if they are worried about anything they can speak to their 'trusted adults' or put a concern in the 'worry jars'. They say that bullying can sometimes happen.

However, staff listen and sort things out quickly.

Pupils enjoy the wide range of opportunities that are They enjoy clubs such as football, arts and crafts and basketball.

They particularly enjoy the trips and experiences that teachers arrange to enhance learning. For example, the residential trips and the trip to the Houses of Parliament.

Parents and carers are positive about their children's education.

They appreciate the care and support staff give to their children to help them learn. One parent said, 'my child is thriving not only academically but emotionally'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have made improvements to the quality of education since the last inspection.

They share a commitment to ensure that all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), do as well as they can.

The curriculum is broad, well sequenced and ambitious for pupils. Leaders have ensured that teachers are skilled and knowledgeable.

Staff are adept at identifying and providing for the needs of pupils with SEND.

The core subjects are of high quality. For example, in mathematics, teachers are clear about how to teach concepts so that pupils remember them.

The activities build on their prior learning so that they consolidate what they already know. For example, in Year 6 pupils were able to recall their knowledge of shapes and number when calculating different problems involving angles.

In some other subjects, such as history, tasks do not help pupils to build detailed understanding over time.

Teachers do not use assessment well enough to improve learning. Leaders accept that assessment is not used consistently to check pupils' understanding and build upon what they have learned.

Reading is at the heart of the curriculum.

Leaders have chosen high-quality books that help to develop strong comprehension skills. Teachers keep a close eye on pupils' progress in reading. Pupils who have not learned how to read well enough receive extra support to help them catch up quickly.

Pupils told me they enjoy reading and love to visit the school library. One pupil said, 'reading is so important, it gives us knowledge'.

The quality of pupils' handwriting is variable across different subjects.

Leaders are aware of this and have plans to address this with a new handwriting programme. In addition, teachers do not consistently set high expectations for pupils' presentation.

Pupils' personal development is a strength of the school.

They behave well, in and around the school. Pupils enjoy taking on positions of responsibilities, such as school councillors and travel ambassadors. Visitors and trips help pupils learn about different cultures and religions.

Pupils are encouraged to contribute to the wider community, for example, raising money for charities and writing letters to the local council to get a memorial plaque for a local military hero.

Leaders make good use of the high-quality support, resources and important training offered by the trust. Trustees and local governors also offer essential challenge and support to help the school achieve its ambitious goals.

The headteacher and staff value the training they receive. Staff say leaders make every effort to look after their well-being. All staff say they are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding. Staff receive regular training, which makes them confident to report concerns.

Records are detailed and well managed. These show how leaders work with external agencies to provide additional support for families when required. Governors monitor and challenge the school's safeguarding work.

Pupils, parents and staff agree that the school is a safe place to be. Staff teach pupils about the risks they might face in their everyday lives, including road safety and water safety. Pupils have a good understanding of how to stay safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Assessment in some foundation subjects, for example history, is not in place. Pupils do not routinely build upon what they have learned and teachers are not completely clear about how to build up pupils' knowledge. Leaders should continue their work in this area, ensuring that they identify the most important knowledge pupils should acquire in each subject.

Leaders must monitor the effectiveness of assessments to ensure that pupils securely grasp the knowledge they are taught. Teachers' expectations for handwriting and presentation are not high enough. Leaders need to introduce a consistent approach to how pupils are taught handwriting and present their work.

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