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The school's pledge, known as 'The Shrewton Way', is at the heart of pupils' experiences.
Pupils live by the motto, 'believe, achieve and grow!' which helps them to be happy and successful. Beginning in the Reception Year, children quickly become keen learners. They are confident to give their opinions, including to disagree respectfully over an author's intent in a story or to talk about their day in front of the class.
Pupils are kind and considerate. Bullying is rare. Pupils want to make a difference to the world around them.
For example, Years 3 and 4 played the 'balloon bassoons' that they had made in science to residents in the village. Pupils take grea...t joy from sharing their learning with others. They know right from wrong, and hold strong views, such as their concern about climate change and how it affects wildlife.
This led to the school sponsoring a polar bear.
Pupils enjoy learning. They demonstrate determination to learn and are attentive in lessons.
Teachers are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils learn well in most subjects and are well prepared for the next stage in their education.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders, including governors, work effectively with the trust to make sure that the pupils receive a good quality of education.
Following her appointment in 2018, the headteacher has led the school with a determination to see it improve. She has brought the school community together so that her high ambitions are realised through the everyday experiences of the pupils.
Leaders have overhauled what they want pupils to know in every subject.
Teachers have a clear understanding of what pupils should learn and by when. As a result, lessons are well sequenced so that pupils can build their knowledge well over time. For example, in science, children in the Reception Year explore the different sounds they can hear.
In Year 4, pupils learn how sounds are made, including pitch through their balloon bassoons. Pupils achieve well, particularly when the order for learning new knowledge and skills is mapped out in detail from the Reception Year to Year 6. For example, in mathematics, pupils can recall key facts quickly to solve a range of problems involving numbers and shape.
However, some subjects are not as well developed as others. Leaders are working to a well-formulated plan to ensure that all subjects are of the same high standard. As a result, they have identified art, music, design and technology (DT) and computing as their next priorities to further improve the curriculum.
Although pupils achieve well in these subjects, leaders' high aspirations mean they are continuing to demand even more on behalf of pupils.
Leaders are keen to improve pupils' reading. This is a priority.
All pupils, including those with SEND, are well challenged and supported through a strong reading programme. Pupils read every day, including as reading and phonics buddies. They love to read and find joy and wonder in their books.
The emphasis on reading is also helping pupils to increase the amount of words they can read and understand. For example, children in the Reception Year told us about the moon and its 'orbit' around the earth. Older pupils use a variety of words to explain their thoughts and express their views about what they are reading.
Pupils are keen to read out loud and to each other. Pupils of all ages understand the importance of reading and take pleasure in books.
Leaders have put a robust phonics programme in place, beginning in the Reception Year.
Teachers check what pupils know. They use this information to teach different pupils what they need to learn next, including those who need to catch up. This works well so that most pupils quickly become confident and fluent readers.
However, the phonics programme does not set out the expectations for when pupils should know some key words, such as 'I', 'he', 'said' and 'want'. A few pupils try to sound these out but hesitate when they find that they cannot do so. Leaders are taking steps to address this by reviewing when these words should be taught in the phonics programme.
Pupils learn about customs, cultures and religions from around the world. They visit places of worship, such as Salisbury Cathedral and study religious texts, like the 'Torah Explorers' in the Reception Year. These provide pupils with an understanding of different people and prepares them well for life in modern Britain.
Pupils also learn about the school's values, such as respect and kindness. They understand how their words and actions affect others. Consequently, pupils contribute to making this a happy school where everybody feels welcome and appreciated.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders are diligent and tenacious in their safeguarding duties. Staff are vetted, checked and trained robustly in accordance with government requirements.
They know what to do to keep pupils safe and are unflinching in following procedures for the good of the pupils.
Pupils told us that they feel safe, which includes their mental health and well-being. For example, 'worry alerts' around the school remind pupils to speak to an adult if they need to.
Staff and therapists provide effective support to pupils who need it.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
The sequences of learning in a few subjects are not broken down into sufficiently small steps. This means that some pupils do not achieve to the very highest standards in subjects such as art and computing.
Leaders need to ensure that there are well-considered curricular steps to help pupils learn as well in every subject. . The phonics programme is strong and helps pupils to read well.
However, planning for children to learn the key tricky words from Reception to Year 2 is sometimes not clear enough. This means that a few pupils who need to catch up occasionally do not recognise these words, which can hold them back. Leaders need to ensure that the learning of these words is fully planned and implemented as part of the phonics programme.