Sinai Jewish Primary School

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About Sinai Jewish Primary School

Name Sinai Jewish Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Interim Headteacher Mrs Juliette Lipshaw
Address Shakespeare Drive, Kenton, Harrow, HA3 9UD
Phone Number 02082041550
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Jewish
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 623
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils grow and thrive at this nurturing caring school. They show curiosity in their learning and are keen to know more.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and or/disabilities (SEND), rise to the school's highest expectations. This includes 'be the best you can'. Pupils show their love of learning.

They flourish and achieve extremely well academically, personally, and socially.

The relationships between staff and pupils are warm and caring. Pupils display their respect through their regular communication with their peers and adults.

Pupils speak with pride about their school. They welcome visitors and want to share their exciting experiences. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They have highly positive attitudes towards their learning in the classroom. Pupils' relationships in their work and play are exceptional.

Pupils value their enrichment experiences.

They speak enthusiastically about their memorable moments from their time in school. Pupils display their skills and talents competing in local sports events, performing as a choir, and leading assemblies. The school uses the locality well to enrich pupils' learning.

This includes visits to museums, farms, sporting arenas and the local countryside. Pupils and families come together to celebrate their learning. They consider themselves to be one caring family.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has successfully developed an ambitious curriculum. Leaders have designed the curriculum in a logical order to support pupils to build on their prior learning. This starts in early years when children learn basic skills with deep understanding.

High expectations are set for children to reach certain points with their knowledge and skills. Teachers from the Nursery year onwards are expert in noticing early on if a pupil needs further support.

Teachers deliver the curriculum with great skill and expertise.

They have strong subject knowledge and teach pupils subject vocabulary to help pupils to develop deep understanding of topics they learn. For example, in Reception, pupils confidently use mathematical language terms such as 'taller', 'tallest', and 'shorter' to show their understanding of height order. Pupils' use of specialist language continues through all year groups.

Their articulation of concepts such as thinking like a historian and the theory of evolution is exceptional.

Teachers regularly check what pupils know before they start new learning. Any gaps in pupils' learning are swiftly supported through expert teaching.

For example, oral mathematics sessions help pupils to overcome any misunderstandings.

Pupils with SEND have access to the same curriculum with their peers. There is great expertise in the way teachers identify pupils' individual needs early on.

Teachers skilfully adapt activities from early years through to Year 6. Adaptations are tailored to the needs of each pupil. The school works closely with external expertise to ensure pupils receive appropriate support.

Through this provision, pupils with SEND make strong progress.

Leaders place a strong focus on reading, with the belief that this equips pupils for life. Phonics learning starts in Reception.

Staff are well trained and expert in tracking how well pupils are learning. If pupils need to catch up, extra support is quickly put in place. Parents and carers also use the specialist resources sent home to support their children.

This results in pupils achieving highly in phonics. Older pupils become fluent readers. Pupils display their love of reading and value the books they read in class and at home.

Reading buddies promote reading when they hear younger pupils read.

Pupils' attitudes towards their learning activities are exemplary. Pupils play an active role during lessons.

This starts in early years where they take a lead in their learning. Pupils readily ask questions and check the meaning of words. Pupils' attendance to school is high.

This is because they want to be in school every day.

The school provides many opportunities for pupils to develop personally. Through their learning, pupils show great respect for different faiths.

Pupils have a full understanding of healthy relationships and lifestyles. They speak about supporting each other's mental health. Pupils self-refer themselves to therapy and see this as a positive way of handling any worries.

They value reading to the school's two therapy dogs. Pupils feel safe and know how to stay safe on and offline. Pupils democratically vote for their leaders in school.

This prepares them well for life in modern Britain.

Staff speak with pride about their school. They feel supported with their workload and well-being.

Staff early in their careers appreciate the great support and training they receive. All staff value the high-quality professional development they receive. Governors understand their responsibilities well.

They play an active role. This supports the school's vision to create a path to academic excellence.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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