Singlegate Primary School

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About Singlegate Primary School

Name Singlegate Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Nathalie Bull
Address South Gardens, Colliers Wood, London, SW19 2NT
Phone Number 02083958737
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 637
Local Authority Merton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a vibrant and highly exciting place to learn, and pupils are proud to attend. Leaders have exceptionally high expectations for pupils' academic and social development. This enables all pupils to succeed and thrive.

The school has a highly coordinated approach to help prepare pupils to become upright global citizens. Pupils are ready for their future education and for life in modern Britain.Leaders have worked hard to build a community where everyone works together.

Diversity and differences are actively celebrated. Pupils have excellent behaviour. This begins in the early years, where staff develop children's resilience and routines expertly.

Leaders ...are highly committed to pupils' safety, which ensures that the school is a highly welcoming place.Pupils thoroughly enjoy school. They are highly motivated in lessons and relish the rich opportunities on offer.

The school places a sharp focus on pupils' character development. Staff encourage pupils to appreciate their social responsibilities. Pupils are taught about key themes such as conflict, discrimination, tolerance and respect.

They take part in a wide range of clubs, visits and competitions. For example, pupils spoke highly of the school's sports day.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curricular thinking is carefully planned and aspirational.

Leaders and governors understand the demands placed on staff and work effectively to support and celebrate staff's work. Teachers highly value the professional development and support that they receive across the federation. This enables teachers to know how to break down important content into manageable steps for pupils to learn.

Leaders build on pupils' knowledge and skills expertly. For instance, in music, pupils learn about texture, pitch, tempo and timbre progressively over time.

The school ensures that pupils develop their confidence and skills consistently across all subjects.

In the early years, children learn key words in mathematics and have ample opportunity to practise their number skills. Staff enable children in early years to develop very well across all areas of learning.

Teaching makes sure that pupils have the necessary building blocks needed to access new content.

Teachers deepen pupils' knowledge and understanding skilfully. They check and address any misconceptions carefully. Pupils' work is of a high quality.

Teachers support pupils to access subject content very well, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff use well-chosen resources to help pupils to access new content.

Teachers focus sharply on helping pupils to understand and master key subject content.

For example, in history, pupils in Year 6 understood about the role of triangular trade when learning about transatlantic slavery. Teachers ensure that pupils recall and revisit prior knowledge regularly.Staff make sure that pupils learn their phonics very well.

Teachers are well trained to teach phonics consistently. They check pupils' progress regularly. If pupils fall behind, trained staff provide expert support so that they catch up quickly.

Pupils read books that are matched to their phonics knowledge. Leaders prioritise pupils' language and communication from the early years. This helps pupils to broaden their vocabulary, become fluent readers and to learn well across the curriculum.

Pupils with SEND thrive. This is because staff know them well and understand what helps them to learn. Staff are well trained to understand pupils' particular needs.

This begins in Reception, where children with SEND are identified early so that timely support can be put into place.

The school ensures that pupils explore themes relating to their health and well-being. Staff support pupils to understand about relationships in an age-appropriate way.

Leaders place a high priority on pupils learning about equality and diversity. There are many opportunities for pupils to be active citizens. For example, pupils are enthusiastic about the opportunity to be part of charity events and to work on the eco-council.

Parents and carers spoke positively about the range of clubs available.

Pupils conduct themselves very well. In lessons, they are focused and keen to do their best.

Pupils are rarely disrupted from their work because everyone concentrates on their learning. They treat each another and adults with courtesy. Working relationships are very positive between pupils and staff.

This supports a strong culture of respect and tolerance that sits at the heart of leaders' ambition. In early years, staff make sure that children follow instructions carefully. Pupils are happy and extremely well cared for.

Leaders make sure that pupils' attendance is carefully monitored. They work closely with families when pupils do not attend.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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