Sir Roger Manwood’s School

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About Sir Roger Manwood’s School

Name Sir Roger Manwood’s School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Ben Pennells
Address Manwood Road, Sandwich, CT13 9JX
Phone Number 01304610200
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 979
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Sir Roger Manwood's enjoy their learning and want to come to school. They look forward to their lessons and seeing their friends and teachers.

Because of this, pupils attend regularly. They work hard to meet the high expectations set for them to 'engage, explore, and excel'.

Pupils are positive role models for each other.

They pick up litter in the picturesque school grounds, without prompting, and are respectful when interacting with adults.Pupils value the support that teachers give them. They know that there is always a member of staff available to share their worries with.

Although bullying is infrequent, there are effective systems in to deal with it if it occurs. Pupils are considerate of each other's views and backgrounds.

There is a range of clubs on offer and many pupils develop leadership skills by taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme.

Trips and visits are well planned to enrich the curriculum. Pupils develop an understanding of the Cold War by visiting Berlin, for example. The school ensures that trips are accessible for all, including those who are disadvantaged and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Students, including those in the sixth form, benefit from high quality and independent careers advice. They feel well prepared to make informed choices about their next steps.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is ambitious and varied overall, including in the sixth form.

The school is making good progress in ensuring that the English Baccalaureate is at the heart of the curriculum. Staff are committed to making the necessary adaptations to learning, so that pupils with SEND can access the same curriculum as their peers.

Subject leaders have produced a bespoke curriculum which builds on the skills and interests of their pupils.

In most subjects, the curriculum is well ordered from Year 7 to 13. Leaders have identified key component knowledge that must be learned and assessed. In a small number of foundation subjects the curriculum is not always as carefully sequenced.

Where this is the case, staff do not consistently assess the same key knowledge.

Across the school, teachers use their specialist subject knowledge to explain new information and explore pupils' understanding through questioning. Pupils use and explain key vocabulary expertly, for instance 'transformation', in mathematics.

In most lessons, activities are well chosen so that pupils can recall past knowledge and make links to new learning. However, this is planned more strategically in some subjects than in others.

Pupils take pride in their work.

They make sure that their books are neat, and that work is set out clearly. Pupils, including students in the sixth form, show enthusiasm during class discussions. They are keen to share their ideas and listen to the opinions of others.

They draw on securely embedded knowledge and experiences to make well-considered judgements. For example, in English, students in Year 13 masterfully compare and contrast 'The Handmaid's Tale' and 'Frankenstein'.

Leaders have implemented a clear strategy to support pupils who are less secure in their reading.

Although most pupils read well, leaders are not complacent. They carefully choose a range of strategies to help pupils further improve their reading and writing skills. Pupils across the school enjoy reading.

They use the well-stocked library to find books to read for pleasure in their spare time.

Pupils develop an understanding of diversity and tolerance through thoughtfully chosen reading texts and learning in religious education. They demonstrate their leadership skills through fundraising for the local community during the harvest festival.

Older pupils learn what it means to be a good citizen by supporting pupils to learn French in local primary schools.

Students in the sixth form receive enrichment so that they learn about personal finance and writing job applications. Pupils at key stages 3 and 4 benefit from a carefully planned personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) programme.

However, this has only recently been extended to the sixth form, meaning that students in Year 13 have missed out on essential learning about sex, relationships and health.

Senior leaders listen to the views of staff and have made changes to assessment policies to reduce staff workload, for example. The governing body has a clear vision for the school and understands its roles and responsibilities.

Senior leaders have not always had a strategic oversight in some areas of the school, for example curriculum planning and PSHE. Although changes are being made, senior leaders have, at times, been slow to respond to the needs of the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is an embedded culture of safeguarding in the school. Staff receive training so that they know how to identify and refer pupils who might be at risk. Leaders make timely referrals to seek support from appropriate agencies.

They know their pupils well and keep detailed records of any concerns. However, the organisation of some records could be more efficient. Leaders complete appropriate checks to ensure that adults who work in the school are safe to work with children.

Governors know their safeguarding responsibilities and hold leaders to account.

Leaders use the curriculum to teach pupils about keeping themselves safe. However, although plans are now in place, pupils in the sixth form have not yet received sufficient education about harmful sexual behaviours.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have moved to a new system for recording safeguarding concerns. As a result, some record-keeping is not as well organised and effective as it could be. Leaders need to streamline systems for recording safeguarding concerns and updates, and ensure that all safeguarding records are centralised.

• Leaders have been slow to implement a comprehensive and well-sequenced PSHE programme in the sixth form. As a result, some students have not yet received sufficient education around harmful sexual behaviours. Leaders need to ensure that newly implemented plans have sufficient and immediate impact, so that students are fully prepared for managing and maintaining healthy relationships.

• Curriculum sequencing in some foundation subjects is not as well considered as it could be. This means that pupils do not always build on their knowledge in a logical way. Senior leaders need to ensure that they increase their oversight of subject leadership, so that there is a consistent approach to curriculum design in all subjects.

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