Sir Thomas Rich’s School

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About Sir Thomas Rich’s School

Name Sir Thomas Rich’s School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Matthew Lynch
Address Oakleaze, Gloucester, GL2 0LF
Phone Number 01452338400
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Boys
Number of Pupils 1226
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are very happy in the school. They feel a huge sense of loyalty. Those who join the school in the sixth form say the same.

Every pupil wears their badge with pride. Pupils feel safe and say that they can go to anyone in the school if they have concerns.

Leaders have very high expectations of pupils to which they respond willingly.

Behaviour is impeccable. Led by the headteacher, there is a culture of respect that permeates the school. As a result, bullying is rare.

Staff have taught pupils about the negative impact of banter. Consequently, pupils appreciate the importance of equality and respect differences.

In some subject curriculum...s, teachers need to think more carefully about how to teach their subjects as well as what to teach.

In a minority of cases, the ability of pupils is not reflected in the teaching, and standards are set too low.

Extra-curricular activities abound, especially sports. Most pupils enjoy these and attend sessions before and after school.

There are many other opportunities, too, such as drama, debating and chess.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

There is a whole-school vision for the curriculum. Most subject leaders have embraced this, and pupils are learning what they need to know at the right time.

The breadth of the curriculum allows more pupils than average to gain the English baccalaureate. Teachers are secure in their subject knowledge, but, at times, they do not deliver the learning effectively. When this happens, pupils do not understand fully so do not retain their learning over time.

Pupils are very articulate and their skills in discussing learning develop well. However, this does not translate consistently into skilfully crafted writing. As a result, leaders are paying more attention to writing and grammar in key stage 3 currently.

Formal assessment of learning happens at least once a term. Teachers explain misunderstandings to pupils so that pupils' knowledge is secure and ready for future learning.

Pupils are fluent readers and staff provide reading lists to every year group to broaden pupils' vocabulary and comprehension.

However, staff are not routinely checking if pupils read any of the optional suggestions, so the good intentions falter at times. It is a similar picture in the sixth form. Staff provide purposeful work and reading lists for the transition between Year 11 and 12.

However, too few students read the recommended texts so come less prepared for their studies. When students have read the books, they are able to form opinions and debate with confidence. From September 2020, pupils have been reading tried and tested novels in class with their tutors, to expand their cultural understanding.

Pupils enjoy this and their diction improves as a result.

Pupils learn how to be good citizens of the future. The personal, social, health and economic education curriculum provides age-appropriate training on positive relationships, financial planning, diversity, and current topics such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Ofsted's sexual abuse review.

Pupils engage well with the information presented. It is clear from pupils' social interactions that they are maturing into highly responsible young people.

The careers leader ensures that pupils are aware of jobs in the local area, as well as preparing them for life beyond school at universities and apprenticeships.

The school holds successful careers fairs every year where local, national and global companies come to share employment opportunities with pupils. Universities from across the country also attend. From key stage 3 onwards, pupils receive useful information, including from neighbouring schools and colleges, in time for pupils to choose post-14 choices.

This is in line with the requirements of the Baker Clause, which requires schools to provide students in Years 8 to 13 with information about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.

Staff do everything possible to make sure that disadvantaged pupils have the same opportunities as others. In their learning, teachers support them sensitively with bespoke help.

The new special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has provided individual plans for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Leaders, including trustees, care about staff; this has been particularly evident during the pandemic. They make sure that staff are not overwhelmed by their workload.

Staff value leaders' commitment to them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Trustees and leaders are trained in safer recruitment and check the processes and information about staff diligently.

Staff receive up-to-date training on safeguarding and use the electronic system for sharing concerns. This allows for early identification of pupils who may be vulnerable so that help can be put in place quickly.

Leaders work effectively with external agencies to make sure that pupils are safe and receive the right help.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subject curriculums, teachers need to think more carefully about how to teach their subjects as well as what to teach. Where this is not the case, pupils do not learn effectively and retain knowledge over time. Curriculum leaders need to share with teachers the pedagogical approaches needed when teaching some subject content.

• At times, leaders are not demanding enough about the accountability of staff. There is, therefore, not sufficient monitoring of school processes and practice. Leaders need to ensure that they are clear about the expectations they have so that pupils benefit more from any work undertaken.

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