Sir Tom Finney Community High School

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About Sir Tom Finney Community High School

Name Sir Tom Finney Community High School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Shaun Jukes
Address Ribbleton Hall Drive, Preston, PR2 6EE
Phone Number 01772795749
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 231
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders prioritise pupils' personal development and welfare at the heart of all their work. This is an outstanding aspect of the school. Relationships between pupils and staff are excellent.

Staff are compassionate and kind and understand pupils as individuals. This contributes to pupils' progress and attainment. Students in the sixth form benefit from dynamic and inspirational teaching.

This results in excellent outcomes for students. Highly effective work experience for pupils in 16 to 19 provision is integrated into students' individualised study programmes. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

This is because : of the excellent ro...le models that staff provide. Effective careers guidance enables pupils to achieve a range of externally accredited qualifications that reflect their interests and aspirations. Some of the most able pupils are not challenged enough in their work.

Pupils agree that they would like more challenging targets. The quality of teaching and learning in key stage 3 does not match the high standards evident in other areas of the school. Although pupils make good progress, the recently introduced 'semi-standard curriculum' is still at an early stage of development.

Leaders ensure that the curriculum offers a broad range of options to cater for pupils' individual needs. Pupils make good progress in subjects beyond English and mathematics. Pupils grow in confidence during their time at the school.

They make excellent progress with their verbal communication skills. Pupils make good progress in their reading, writing and mathematics. Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is supported effectively through the school's contemplation room.

This is where pupils have chance to reflect on the 'big questions' about life. Governors have ensured a smooth transition to the school's new premises without losing sight of pupils' achievement and the caring ethos of the school. The strategic role of department and curriculum leaders is underdeveloped.

Their ability to monitor and evaluate teaching and learning is limited. Leaders' improvement plans do not provide clear outcomes. They do not evaluate their actions to improve the school effectively.

Governors cannot explain how actions to improve the school have made a difference to pupils' progress and attainment.

Information about this school

The school does not meet requirements on the publication of information about the pupil premium, a link to the school and college performance tables service or the school's accessibility plan on its website. Since the previous inspection, the school has moved to newly refurbished and additional new-build premises at a new location.

There have been a number of changes in governors since the last inspection, including a new chair of the governing body. Pupils at the school have a wide range of SEN and/or disabilities. These include moderate learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties, visual and hearing impairment, physical disability and medical conditions, social, emotional and mental health needs and autistic spectrum conditions.

All pupils have an education, health and care plan or statement of special educational needs. Some pupils have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Over half of the pupils at the school are known to be eligible for the pupil premium.

This is high compared with the national average. There is a rising proportion of pupils from ethnic backgrounds, although this is presently below the national average. The school does not use any alternative providers.

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