Soham Village College

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About Soham Village College

Name Soham Village College
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Jon Hampson
Address Sand Street, Soham, Ely, CB7 5AA
Phone Number 01353724100
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1413
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are extremely happy at Soham Village College.

They feel valued, trusted and respected. Consequently, pupils take great pride in their school. They feel it is an honour to represent the school at events or as part of a team.

Pupils are welcomed daily into an environment that builds their confidence and self-belief. Consequently, pupils flourish academically and personally.

Pupils know that teachers have very high expectations for them to succeed.

They expect to be given work that challenges them. This has resulted in pupils developing a strong sense of resilience. Pupils try hard and produce work of exceptional quality.

They articulate... their learning with a maturity beyond their ages. Consequently, they achieve very highly.

Pupils are extremely polite and respectful.

Pupils want to learn, strive for excellence and care about each other. As a result, behaviour is exemplary, and lessons progress free from disruption.

Pupils enjoy a myriad of opportunities to develop or extend their interests.

There is an extensive range of sports, creative and general interest activities on offer. Many of these clubs are set up and run by pupils. Pupils enthusiastically take advantage of all that is available to them.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has crafted a curriculum that is highly ambitious for all pupils. Subject specialists have identified the important knowledge that pupils need to secure. Pupils learn this knowledge in small, expertly ordered chunks.

Teachers have excellent subject knowledge. They use this to explain things with a high degree of precision. Teachers skilfully weave knowledge together across subjects and over time.

This means pupils can use what they already know to help them learn new content. Teachers regularly test out what pupils understand. They address any misconceptions before they can become embedded.

This means that pupils confidently approach independent activities. Extensive practice helps pupils secure each piece of knowledge. Over time, pupils put these pieces together to build a deep, rich understanding of the subjects they study.

The quality of their written work is exceptional.

The school places a high priority on reading. Pupils read widely and often.

The library is a hive of activity as pupils choose books from a wide range of genres and authors. Pupils who struggle to read are quickly identified. Personalised plans, delivered by highly trained staff, help pupils improve.

As a result, pupils quickly increase their confidence and become fluent readers.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are very effectively supported. Specialists provide teachers with detailed information about pupils' specific barriers to learning.

Teachers use this information to ensure that learning experiences and activities are accessible to all pupils. Consequently, pupils with SEND make progress that is as impressive as that of their peers.

Pupils understand that they are part of a community where everyone's actions can impact on everyone else.

They are determined to be the best they can be. This results in an exceptionally positive attitude to their own and each other's learning. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

The personal development programme is comprehensive and meticulously planned. Opportunities to develop pupils' understanding of the modern world are embedded into the entire curriculum. Pupils value key principles such as tolerance, democracy and respect.

They embrace these values and demonstrate them routinely in their lives. This helps foster the ethos of the school. Everyone is accepted and no one is left out.

A precisely planned offer of careers education is woven through the curriculum. Input from local businesses brings classroom learning to life. Pupils get information about how the subjects they study can lead to different careers.

As a result, pupils make well-informed choices about their next steps.

Trustees have a clear understanding of the school. They know what it does exceptionally well, yet still strive for further improvements.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They value how leaders trust them to do their jobs without burdensome oversight and workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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