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About South Elmsall Carlton Junior and Infant School
Positive and caring relationships are a key feature of South Elmsall Carlton Junior and Infant School. A strong family atmosphere helps pupils to feel safe and secure.
Leaders ensure that pupils are at the centre of every decision in the school. All staff are passionate about supporting pupils to be ready for life beyond the school gates.
Pupils' behaviour in lessons and at social times is positive.
Pupils interact well together. Bullying happens sometimes. Pupils are confident that adults act quickly to bring it to a stop.
Leaders have established clear behaviour expectations. Adults help pupils to recognise and manage their behaviours. This helps t...o create a calm and focused learning environment.
Leaders ensure that pupils have an excellent understanding and respect for people who have different religions and family types. Pupils demonstrate extremely mature levels of tolerance. Leaders include trips to different places of worship within the curriculum offer.
Pupils understand and celebrate what makes people special.
The headteacher is determined that all pupils develop a love of reading. Each half term, every pupil receives the gift of a book to keep at home.
In the early years, these books support children to develop a love of nursery rhymes and traditional tales. Older pupils speak with enthusiasm about the range of stories they have read.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have developed a well-sequenced curriculum that supports high ambitions for all pupils.
Curriculum leaders know their subjects well. They provide effective training and development for all staff. Staff have the confidence to deliver the planned curriculum effectively.
Teachers provide learning activities that meet the high curriculum expectations. In some subjects, such as geography and some key stage 2 English lessons, teachers do not adapt these activities effectively in order to meet the needs of all pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Some pupils do not access the intended learning successfully.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders adapted the curriculum for mathematics to provide additional time for pupils to revisit and embed learning within lessons. As a result, pupils use their mathematical knowledge well to support new learning. In mathematics and reading, teachers use assessment effectively in order to identify pupils' learning needs.
In other subjects, including science, the use of assessment is less consistent. In these subjects, assessment does not provide a clear picture of how well pupils are able to use and apply their new subject knowledge.
Leaders have embedded a well-sequenced phonics programme across the early years and key stage 1.
Leaders ensure that all staff receive high-quality training to support their delivery of the programme. Leaders monitor lessons regularly and provide additional support to address any areas for development. There are high levels of consistency across all lessons.
Pupils read books that match their phonics knowledge. Adults provide effective support to help pupils read with fluency. Pupils who may be falling behind receive additional support to help them catch up quickly.
In key stage 2, daily whole-class reading lessons help to strengthen pupils' comprehension skills.
The early years foundation stage is a strength of the school. Leaders ensure that children receive an exemplary start to their school life.
Leaders have created a curriculum that supports children to develop their vocabulary, knowledge and relationships. There is a clear plan for progression from the start of Nursery through to the end of Reception. Leaders have given considerable thought to the links with the key stage 1 curriculum.
They have identified the opportunities for children to begin to build the knowledge they will need to be ready for the next stage in their learning. Leaders have prioritised the development of children's communication and language skills. Adults use questioning and interactions well to engage children in their learning.
Furthermore, adults use an expert knowledge of the early years to adapt learning to meet the needs of children with SEND.
The provision for personal development is excellent. Pupils develop the knowledge they need to stay safe.
External speakers provide pupils with information on county lines (county lines is where illegal drugs are transported from one area to another, usually by children or vulnerable people who are coerced into it by gangs), anti-bullying and online pressures. Pupils have an excellent understanding of diversity and respect for those who are different to themselves. Through carefully selected texts and regular assemblies, leaders help pupils to understand the importance of the protected characteristics.
Teachers provide highly effective support for pupils with SEND to ensure they access the full learning offer. Older pupils act as mental health champions. Pupils speak confidently about ways to stay mentally and physically healthy.
The governing body provides effective challenge and support to school leaders. Governors ensure that they visit the school and meet with leaders regularly. This helps governors to have the curriculum information they need to ensure that the school continues to improve.
Staff are proud to work in the school. They speak positively of the strong team ethos. Leaders provide staff with the support they need to manage their workload and well-being well.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There are comprehensive procedures in place for checking that all adults who work in school are safe to do so. Leaders have provided staff with the training they need to keep pupils safe.
Staff are vigilant for any signs of abuse. They are confident that any concerns they raise will be acted on quickly. Leaders work closely with external specialists to help support families.
Staff describe their role as being the anchor in pupils' lives.
Pupils understand that people are not always who they say they are online. They know not to give out any personal information or share images.
Younger pupils understand about stranger danger. Pupils feel safe in school. They know there are adults who care for them.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, teachers do not provide activities that meet the learning needs of pupils with SEND. This limits the progress these pupils make. Leaders should support teachers to adapt learning materials effectively in order to enable all pupils to access the full curriculum offer.
• In subjects such as science, religious education (RE) and geography, assessment activities do not measure pupils' application of new subject knowledge. Subject leaders do not have a full picture of the effectiveness of the subjects they lead. Leaders should ensure that assessment provides the opportunity for pupils to demonstrate and apply their new knowledge across a range of learning activities.