South Harringay Junior School

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About South Harringay Junior School

Name South Harringay Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Ian Scotchbrook
Address Pemberton Rd, London, N4 1BA
Phone Number 02083402757
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 216
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a school where pupils thrive.

Pupils experience academic rigour within a caring and inclusive environment. They show kindness to each other and build trusting relationships with staff. Pupils' behaviour and actions reflect the school's values.

Pupils here are honest, respectful and resilient. They contribute to making this the exceptional school that it is.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils.

Pupils meet these expectations. They rise to the challenge of the ambitious curriculum that leaders have designed. Pupils show a real interest in their learning.

They enjoy the purposeful trips, visits and workshops that enrich their educ...ation.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Leaders have established a clear set of rules and routines.

At break and lunchtimes, pupils play cooperatively with each other. In lessons, they focus on their work and listen attentively to their teachers.

Leaders provide pupils with a rich set of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.

Many pupils attend clubs, including various sports, choir, drama and street dance. Pupils give back to others, both in the school community and beyond. They take on responsibilities as school councillors, peer mediators and reading buddies.

They also fundraise for local charities and global appeals.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum. The curriculum is well sequenced.

Pupils build up their knowledge and skills in increasing depth and complexity. They make connections between different subjects and develop a rich body of knowledge. In every subject, leaders have identified the specific vocabulary that they want pupils to learn.

Pupils think and work like subject specialists, such as scientists and geographers. By the end of Year 6, they are well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Leaders prioritise reading.

Those pupils who are still at an early stage of reading get the help they need. Leaders provide these pupils with targeted support in phonics, fluency and reading comprehension. This helps pupils to catch up with their peers.

As pupils move through the school, they develop a wide range of reading skills. Also, they read books from a diverse range of authors and genres. Pupils read often at school.

They develop a love for reading, which leaders enhance through author visits and events, such as World Book Day.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the specific help they need. Leaders identify pupils' needs with speed and precision.

They provide appropriate training for teachers and other adults who work with pupils with SEND. A high proportion of pupils with SEND access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.Teachers have good subject knowledge.

They combine this with well-chosen teaching strategies. This helps pupils to secure their knowledge and understanding. Indeed, teachers are rigorous in checking pupils' understanding.

They revisit what pupils have learned before and build on that learning. They introduce new knowledge with clarity. They also provide pupils with frequent feedback on their work.

Pupils have highly positive attitudes to their learning. They learn without disruption. Pupils produce work of a high quality because they are taught effectively.

Leaders have established a comprehensive and age-appropriate personal development programme. Pupils learn about relationships and how to keep themselves safe. External agencies come into school to talk to pupils about these issues.

Pupils also experience talks from visitors, such as Olympic athletes and past pupils. They learn about physical and mental health and about equality and diversity. At the centre of leaders' approach to pupils' personal development is the school's set of values.

These values provide pupils with a constant focus for their moral and social development.

Leaders are giving pupils an exceptional education. Governors support leaders effectively.

They fulfil their role and responsibilities with appropriate commitment and expertise. Leaders provide teachers and other staff with continuous, high-quality professional development. This enables staff to meet pupils' needs and deepen and extend their learning.

Leaders also ensure that staff workload is manageable. They are mindful of staff well-being. Staff value this.

They enjoy working here.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have established a strong culture of safeguarding.

They provide staff with regular training and updates. This ensures that staff remain alert to the signs of risk in pupils. Staff report any concerns about pupils swiftly.

Leaders have regular meetings to discuss pupils at risk. Leaders employ staff who help pupils with their emotional well-being. They work well with external agencies and have a rigorous approach to securing the help pupils need.

Leaders also work well with parents and carers. They ensure that parents understand the risks faced by their children. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including online.

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