South Kirkby Common Road Infant and Nursery School
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About South Kirkby Common Road Infant and Nursery School
South Kirkby Common Road Infant and Nursery School
Parents and carers really appreciate the positive changes that leaders have introduced over the last couple of years. Some parents wrote to Ofsted months ago to tell us this.
In 2019, only 42% of parents who completed the Parent View survey would have recommended the school. In our survey for this inspection, 98% of parents said they would recommend the school now. One parent said, 'Mrs Edwards has given the change it needed to create a happy, family-feel school.'
Pupils feel settled, safe and secure. Staff expect pupils to behave themselves. Pupils understand this.
Pupils follow the rules in class and on the playground. Consequently, pupils behave... well when they are learning and at social times. There is no bullying.
Pupils pay attention in class. They stop what they are doing straight away if teachers need them to listen carefully. Poor behaviour never disrupts learning.
Lots of pupils have missed school unavoidably because of COVID-19 isolation periods. Leaders noticed that some pupils are having far too much time off school, on top of their COVID-19-related absences. These pupils are missing out on their education far too often.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The new headteacher has increased staff training in all areas of the curriculum. Teaching assistants appreciate being included in training now. One teaching assistant said, 'Since the start of this year, we have been offered more training alongside teaching staff, and this has helped to create an even stronger team.'
Staff appreciate the healthy culture of professional respect. Staff say leaders support them in managing their workload well.
Leaders improved the curriculum for early reading and phonics in 2019.
All staff teach the phonics programme consistently and as it is designed to be taught. Reading books are matched closely to pupils' phonics knowledge. Pupils read with increasing confidence and fluency.
Leaders give phonics teaching the highest priority. When staff are off sick, or isolating due to COVID-19, leaders always start the day by planning who will teach absent teachers' phonics sessions. The new headteacher is an advanced skills teacher.
She often teaches phonics lessons herself.
The curriculum is well planned and sequenced. Teachers make learning fun.
Pupils can remember what they have learned. For example, in a science lesson, pupils could recall and describe different parts of the body, such as blood cells, lungs, plasma and platelets. Pupils remembered vividly the unset orange jelly that the teacher used to represent blood plasma.
This creative, age-appropriate strategy is a typical example of teachers helping pupils to remember their learning long-term.
Too many pupils are missing out on the improved curriculum on offer because they are absent so often. A third of Year 1 pupils are persistently absent.
This is holding their learning back.
Teachers in the early years encourage children to practise their word reading and number skills when they are playing. For example, telephone numbers are written by the toy telephone in Nursery Year.
Three-year-old children have a go at dialling the numbers listed for mummy, daddy or 'nanna'. The outdoor learning environment is just as enticing as it is indoors. There are lots of opportunities for reading, mark-making and counting indoors and outside.
Children are learning and thriving.
Teachers analyse assessment information skilfully. They use this information to make sure that learning is planned that meets each individual pupil's needs.
Parents of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) told inspectors that school leaders listen more carefully to parents' views now. This is helping pupils with SEND to make good progress.
The curriculum for pupils' personal development is good.
Leaders are helping pupils to learn about democracy by putting it into practice. Members of the pupil parliament are elected by their peers. Staff consult the pupil parliament and listen to their views.
For example, the headteacher asked the pupil parliament if they would like a Macmillan coffee morning for parents. The pupil parliament said instead of parents, they would prefer pupils to have the opportunity to share hot chocolate and a bun together. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed raising funds for charity, having a treat in the process.
Pupils' behaviour is good. Even the youngest children behave well. Leaders are continuing to improve the curriculum to ensure that pupils' behaviour consistently shows respect for people of other faiths and cultures.
Pupils are given moments of stillness and quiet reflection during the day. Classical music plays in corridors. This school is an oasis of calm.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have trained staff to make sure that they can identify pupils who may be at risk of harm quickly and accurately. Leaders work closely with other professionals to get pupils the extra help they need to stay safe.
Governors thoroughly check the school's safeguarding arrangements. Leaders ensure that all the necessary recruitment checks are made.
Some parents do not notify the school if their child is going to be absent from school.
Staff spend lots of time ringing or texting parents and other contacts. If no one replies, leaders make home visits to check that absent pupils are safe.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Not including any COVID-19-related absences, 43 pupils are persistently absent.
This represents a quarter of the school population. Absent pupils are missing out on valuable learning time. Persistently absent pupils are not receiving their full statutory entitlement to education.
They are not securing the core knowledge and skills they should achieve for their age. Leaders should continue to work with families to help persistent absentees attend school. This will give all pupils equal opportunity to make good progress in all areas of their learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.