Southall School

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About Southall School

Name Southall School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mrs Abigail Martin
Address Off Rowan Avenue, Dawley, Telford, TF4 3PX
Phone Number 01952387600
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 183
Local Authority Telford and Wrekin
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders have created a positive, inclusive and ambitious culture.

This helps to prepare pupils well for adult life. Leaders have an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses and they are taking effective action to improve the quality of education that they provide. The curriculum helps pupils make good progress in a wide range of subjects.

It promotes personal development and positive behaviour very well. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and the promotion of fundamental British values are a core part of the school's curriculum. Additional funding is used effectively to help pupils make improved acade...mic progress.

It is also used well to promote personal development, positive behaviour, regular attendance and emotional well-being. Governors use their wide range of skills and experience to offer appropriate support and challenge to leaders. Safeguarding procedures are robust.

Staff are well trained and have a secure knowledge of safeguarding issues, including those that are pertinent to the local area. Most pupils behave well and attend regularly. Pupils who need to improve their conduct and reduce their absence rates are helped to do so.

Teachers usually plan activities that help pupils to make good progress. Staff often consider pupils' social and emotional needs along with their prior learning. Pupils make good progress in a range of subjects, including English and mathematics.

Pupils are encouraged to read regularly. However, few pupils read for pleasure. At times, a few teachers do not accurately identify gaps in pupils' knowledge that need to be addressed before moving learning on.

This limits the progress that some pupils are able to make. The quality of middle leadership is variable. Subject leaders do not consistently promote improvement in their areas of responsibility.

Leaders do not always use information well to give staff a clear overview of what they need to do to further improve the school. Some strategies to improve the school are relatively new so they are not fully embedded. Consequently, their impact has been limited.

The school parliament helps pupils to develop their communication and leadership skills. Pupils influence decisions in the school, the wider community and nationally. Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Careers education is strong.

Information about this school

Southall School is a small special school for pupils with a wide range of SEND. Most pupils have multiple learning difficulties.

Almost all pupils have an education, health and care plan. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is well above average. Most pupils are White British.

The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds and the proportion who speak English as an additional language are below average. All Year 11 pupils attend alternative provision at Telford College, Walford College, Shrewsbury College or Arthog Outreach for one day a week. Staff from the school accompany pupils when they attend these providers.

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