Southbroom Infants’ School

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About Southbroom Infants’ School

Name Southbroom Infants’ School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Amy Edwards
Address The Green, Southbroom Road, Devizes, SN10 5AA
Phone Number 01380723184
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 135
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at Southbroom Infants' School and are proud of their school.

They are keen to learn. However, leaders recognise that there is more work to do to ensure that pupils achieve as well as they can across all subjects.

Staff know the pupils well.

They use this knowledge to spot any changes in their well-being and take swift action to ensure pupils are safe. Staff work tirelessly to form strong relationships with families. This means that from the moment pupils start school, whether in the Nursery or later years, they are well looked after.

As one parent commented, 'The school has done loads for my child and I can't thank them enough for ho...w they help them and me.'

Leaders have been relentless in their actions to improve pupils' behaviour. Pupils are extremely clear about what is expected of them.

They can confidently talk about how they must communicate politely, act kindly, listen carefully and move calmly. Children in the early years learn the difference between right and wrong. Pupils behave sensibly in lessons and during playtimes.

They play happily together and enjoy social times. Bullying is rare, and pupils are clear that staff sort out any issues quickly.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders know precisely what is required to improve pupils' learning.

They continue to make significant improvements to the school. However, changes in leadership and staffing, combined with the impact of COVID-19, have hindered the development of some curriculum subjects. While many improvements have been made, for example, in early reading and mathematics, other changes are in their early stages.

This means that pupils do not achieve as well as they could across all subjects. Writing is not well developed across subjects. As a result, pupils do not demonstrate what they have learned in their written work.

In reading and mathematics, teachers use assessment well to identify gaps in pupils' learning. They revisit prior learning to help the most important knowledge stick in pupils' memory. However, leaders rightly recognise that assessment in some subjects is underdeveloped.

Where this is the case, teachers do not build on what pupils already know and can do.

Early reading and phonics are well developed throughout the school. Leaders expect every child to become a fluent reader before they leave school.

Children begin learning phonics very soon after they start in Reception Year. All staff receive high-quality training in the teaching of phonics and early reading. This gives them the knowledge and confidence to teach early reading with skill.

Leaders recognise that some pupils still have gaps in their phonic knowledge following the pandemic. Staff provide these pupils with additional help and support to enable them to catch up.

Leaders place great importance on pupils developing a love of reading.

Story time is a special time of the day. Pupils enjoy how adults bring reading to life by acting out stories such as 'Someone Crunched Colin.'

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn the same curriculum content and experience the same opportunities as their classmates.

Leaders identify and assess their needs quickly. In classrooms, pupils with SEND are well cared for. Environmental adaptations and supportive aids are in place for individual pupils.

Pupils can explain how these aids help them. However, as with their peers, learning in some subjects is not designed well enough to enable them to gain the depth and fluency of knowledge they need.

Leaders expect children to attend school regularly and behave well, and they do.

Staff say the atmosphere in the school has been 'transformed' due to the shared high expectations of behaviour.

Staff carefully weave pupils' spiritual, moral and social education throughout the curriculum. Pupils learn about other cultures, faiths and backgrounds.

They understand the importance of respect and tolerance. Staff teach pupils to be kind and considerate. For example, pupils help each other tie up their shoelaces.

Pupils involve themselves in all that the school has to offer. They take on extra responsibilities with pride. For example, pupils enjoy the election process of being voted onto the school council.

They talk enthusiastically about the trips they go on. These include a visit to the pantomime and to a local book shop. Such activities help to develop pupils' social skills and prepare them for the next stage of their education.

School leaders and trust staff work together closely. Trustees and governors know the school well. They hold leaders to account for the quality of education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders create a strong safeguarding culture. They ensure that keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility.

Regular training and information-sharing mean that all staff know how to identify and report any concerns. Leaders, including the parent support adviser, know the parents well and use this knowledge to provide support. Leaders communicate well with other agencies to make sure families receive help.

Pupils learn how to keep safe online. They know what to do if they have any worries. Leaders, including governors, check to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, learning is not designed well enough to enable pupils to gain the depth of knowledge they need. This means that some pupils, including pupils with SEND, cannot remember the key knowledge taught across the curriculum. Leaders must ensure that all components are consistently in place so that the knowledge that pupils need is connected.

• Leaders have not established rigorous systems to assess how well pupils remember the knowledge they have been taught. This means pupils' recall of prior learning is patchy. Leaders need to ensure that staff use assessment effectively to check what pupils know and remember across all subjects.

• Writing is not well developed across the curriculum. As a result, pupils do not demonstrate what they have learned in their written work. Leaders should ensure that pupils develop their writing across all areas of the curriculum.

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