Southfield Primary School

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About Southfield Primary School

Name Southfield Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Dr Darren Jones
Address Southfield Road, Bedford Park, London, W4 1BD
Phone Number 02089946173
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 381
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at Southfield. Leaders have created an extremely ambitious curriculum.

This is underpinned by a programme of rich experiences and frequent opportunities for pupils to apply their learning in different contexts. For example, pupils got involved in budgeting for an upcoming visit to a theme park. Leaders' high ambitions are realised for all pupils.

This means that pupils are eloquent and enthusiastic about their learning. They produce work of high quality across the curriculum and are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Pupils understand and consistently demonstrate the school's 'TRUE' values of trust, respect, unity and empa...thy.

Relationships across the school are strong. Older pupils enjoy the opportunity to work and support their younger peers at playtime and as reading buddies. Pupils' behaviour in classrooms and around the school is exceptional.

They feel safe and are kept safe at school.

Pupils make the most of opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities. For example, the elected school council gathers pupils' opinions on the curriculum.

They share their ideas with school leaders so that the curriculum evolves. Similarly, pupils have decided to name the school 'houses' after significant individuals.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created a highly ambitious curriculum for all pupils which frequently extends beyond what is expected nationally.

They have ensured that staff fully understand what they are expected to teach, and receive appropriate training to deliver this subject content effectively. In each subject, leaders have identified the most important knowledge that pupils need to know and have sequenced this logically. This starts from the Reception year and builds cumulatively throughout the school.

Because of this, pupils secure a deep body of knowledge and understanding across different subjects.

For example, in mathematics, children in Reception learn the value of tens and ones. This supports them later when they begin to learn their multiplication tables.

Older pupils use this knowledge effectively when multiplying and dividing fractions. Similarly, in history, pupils practise using a range of sources to learn about the past. They learn about identifying the cause and effect of different events.

As a result, older pupils can discuss history across time periods. For example, they spoke confidently about the significance of individuals in the Cuban missile crisis, as well as the importance of technological advances during the Industrial Revolution.

Teachers routinely check that pupils understand what they are learning.

They swiftly identify and address any misconceptions that arise. This helps pupils to embed their understanding of different concepts and apply their understanding to new and more complex learning. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Leaders have ensured that routines are in place to identify their specific needs. Teachers make effective adaptations to tasks and activities to ensure that all pupils are well supported to access the ambitious curriculum.

Leaders prioritise reading.

This begins in the Reception year. Teachers have received training and implement the agreed phonics programme with precision. Reading books are closely matched to the sounds that pupils know.

This allows pupils to practise and consolidate their reading. Leaders provide appropriate and prompt intervention for those pupils who need additional help. As a result, pupils become fluent and confident readers.

Pupils enjoy reading and are read to regularly. Books are carefully selected to introduce pupils to a wide range of authors and deepen their understanding across the breadth of the curriculum.

Pupils' behaviour is consistently respectful and kind.

In lessons, they are fully focused on learning. This is because staff have consistently high expectations of pupils. This starts in early years where children are taught the importance of sharing, taking turns and working with others.

The attendance team works effectively with families to ensure that pupils are in school regularly.

All pupils can take part in activities that are designed to further enrich their learning. These include visits, activities and events.

For example, pupils enjoyed an outing to Kew Gardens where they learned about the reproduction of plants. Leaders ensure that pupils also access many different cultural opportunities such as taking part in drama productions and visiting the theatre. Pupils are encouraged to make a positive contribution to society.

For example, each year group selects a charity to support. This has included making cards for a national animal welfare charity. Across a range of subjects, pupils have the opportunity to debate and discuss a range of complex issues.

For example, they recently explored the theme of 'fast fashion' and the impact on the environment.

Leaders, including those responsible for governance, embody the school's vision and work successfully together to achieve it. They have an accurate understanding of the school's many strengths and the areas they wish to improve further.

Governors provide appropriate support and challenge to leaders, holding them to account for their work. Staff appreciate the consideration given to their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff are vigilant to the needs of pupils. Staff have received up-to-date training and are aware of how to identify and report any concerns that may arise. Leaders make appropriate and timely referrals to external agencies.

Governors understand their role in overseeing safeguarding systems and procedures.

Pupils learn how to keep safe as part of the curriculum. This includes understanding the potential risks when online and how to keep themselves safe in the local community.

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