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About Southwold Primary School and Early Years’ Centre
This is a school where pupils receive a good education. Leaders expect all staff to plan and teach well, and for every child to succeed.
All staff teach using a similar approach.
This helps pupils to always know what to expect. Staff teach subjects such as reading well. All pupils are helped to learn to read and enjoy books.
Teachers plan exciting lessons that make pupils want to come to school each day. Pupils say that the tasks they are given are challenging and varied, and they learn lots. They are keen to find out even more and show what they can do.
Leaders also ensure that everyone knows how important it is to be well behaved. Staff set an exce...llent example here. Pupils see that staff are always polite, calm and kind, and listen to them.
In turn, pupils show high levels of respect towards others. They behave well, and there is very little bullying. Pupils told us that, if it happens, staff attend to it quickly.
Pupils' personal development is excellent. Staff work tirelessly to give pupils a huge range of experiences, activities and clubs. Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for life in modern Britain.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The headteacher and senior leaders insist that every pupil will achieve well. Pupils do.
Teachers plan their lessons with care.
They teach these in a sequence, building up pupils' knowledge and skills over time. Teachers give good support to pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They explain things to these pupils carefully and help them if any of them makes a mistake.
They make sure lessons make pupils think. Over time, all pupils build up their knowledge and skills well in almost all subjects.
Staff ensure that children settle in quickly in the early years.
They help those who have a lower ability to catch up. They speak clearly to children and help them communicate. They plan a wide range of exciting activities.
These include using bats and balls and finding out about numbers. Children enjoy exploring the school allotment. They learn about horses and cows.
Staff waste no time in teaching children to begin to read. They share with them classic stories such as 'The Gruffalo'. Children leave the early years ready and eager to learn more.
The focus on teaching reading continues in Year 1. Staff say the different letters and sounds over and over, until pupils know them. They help any pupil who does not understand them.
They ensure that pupils can read 'speedy words' and do not allow them to guess. Teachers also develop pupils' skills in understanding the meaning of stories and information books. This helps pupils to explain why, for example, a story character is upset.
Story time happens every day in all classes. Younger pupils listen excitedly to 'The Three Little Pigs'. Older pupils share challenging novels like 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas'.
In mathematics, pupils know their multiplication tables. They can calculate answers with speed. They have lots of opportunities to explain how they reach their answers when solving problems in mathematics.
In science, as in almost all other subjects, teachers ensure that pupils remember lots. Pupils we met could tell us about magnetism, light and electrical circuits.
The quality of education is not exceptional.
In computing and design technology teachers have written plans, but they have not used these yet. In a few subjects their assessments take too much time to complete, and they are not giving teachers the information they need to know to plan the next steps in learning.
Pupils' behaviour is good.
Pupils do not disrupt lessons. They listen to adults, try their best, cooperate, take turns and share. They treat others with high levels of respect.
The personal development of pupils is outstanding. The school's core values build pupils' character. Staff are highly effective in showing pupils how to reflect on things, and to know how to tell right from wrong.
They provide clubs and other continuous ways for pupils to shine, and to take responsibility. They show pupils how they can help each other to celebrate the cultures and religions of the world. They teach pupils very well how to stay physically and mentally healthy.
Pupils were enthusiastic to tell us how 'Stanley Sparkles' helps them to stay relaxed.
Staff appreciate the training and support they receive from leaders. They feel that leaders are mindful of their well-being.
It is clear to see why staff say they are so proud to work at Southwold.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff understand their responsibilities in keeping pupils safe.
Leaders make sure that they receive effective training in safeguarding. They notice any signs that might mean a pupil is being harmed. If they spot this is happening, they tell leaders at once.
Leaders make good decisions about what to do next. If the matter is serious enough, they will not delay contacting other agencies.
Pupils we met said that they feel safe in school.
They told us how staff help them to understand a range of risks in life, including how to keep safe online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
In computing and in design technology the curriculum is not fully developed. Though leaders have new and clear plans to deliver these subjects effectively, these have not been implemented yet.
Some staff need further training to improve their confidence in teaching these subjects. Leaders should ensure that the plans are implemented, using the new resources well, so that pupils build sufficient knowledge and skills in these subjects over time. .
In some foundation subjects assessment has not been sufficiently effective. It has proved time-consuming for teachers and has not produced the right amount of worthwhile information for them. Staff are in the early days of trialling a new system.
Leaders need to check that this new system is quick and easy to complete, but gives sufficient detail. They will need to check that it is effective for teachers over time. If it is, it will enable teachers to see quickly and precisely what each pupil needs to learn next at the end of a sequence of lessons.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.