Springfield Community Primary School

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About Springfield Community Primary School

Name Springfield Community Primary School
Website http://www.springfield.hackney.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Anna Case
Address Castlewood Road, London, N16 6DH
Phone Number 02088009007
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 210
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this nurturing and aspirational school. The school has a highly ambitious curriculum, and staff share their enthusiasm for learning with pupils.

The curriculum has been designed to engage and inspire the school's diverse community. Pupils are eager to learn and participate with enthusiasm. Behaviour in lessons is excellent.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get the support they need and achieve well.

The school makes excellent use of the outdoor facilities. Pupils have regular opportunities for outdoor learning and play.

This includes the school 'forest', where children from Nursery upwards explore the ...natural world and learn about the changing seasons. Pupils extend their learning across all subjects through a rich programme of activities, including cooking and gardening clubs and trips to sites of interest, such as museums and galleries.

Pupils are supportive and respectful of one another.

They develop a deep knowledge of equality and human rights issues and celebrate their differences. They aspire to be good 'Springfield Citizens' and have a clear sense of right and wrong.

Parents and carers value being part of this small and friendly community.

The school provides additional support and learning opportunities for parents, including in relation to e-safety.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has established a well-thought-out and clearly sequenced curriculum. The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils, including pupils with SEND.

Staff are skilled at identifying pupils with additional needs and ensure that appropriate support is in place. Subject content is carefully broken down into small steps, with regular opportunities for pupils to recap their learning. Leaders have carefully identified the important knowledge in each subject.

As a result, teachers have absolute clarity about what pupils should know and remember. This includes a sharp focus on subject-specific vocabulary. Teachers have strong subject knowledge and teach this vocabulary with precision and skill.

As a result, pupils can use and apply subject-specific vocabulary with accuracy.

The curriculum is carefully ordered so that pupils develop their knowledge over time. For example, in music, children first learn how to identify the 'strong beat' in different musical styles before going on to learn about rhythm and tempo in Years 1 and 2.

In Years 4 and 5, pupils develop their knowledge of musical notation and learn how to read basic rhythms. Pupils are exposed to a wide range of musical styles and traditions. They learn how to appreciate and respond to musical styles with which they may be familiar.

Pupils learn how to articulate their own opinions with confidence. This begins in the early years, where children's language is developed through stories, communication, and play. For example, in art, pupils can describe which artists they most admire and why.

Pupils also learn how to respond to opinions that are different to their own. They learn the conventions of discussion and debate and use these to build on their learning. For example, in history, pupils find out how historians learn from historical objects and then debate whether such objects should be returned.

Staff are determined that every pupil will learn to read. Books are carefully selected to build pupils' vocabulary and to spark their curiosity and imagination. Adults read regularly to pupils, including outside and in small groups.

There is a well-embedded programme for teaching phonics. This is delivered through highly skilled and engaging teaching. Children who attend the Nursery are well prepared for the routines in Reception.

Those who need additional help to learn phonics are quickly identified and supported. Outcomes in reading are strong, including for those who are new to English.

Leaders have considered pupils' wider development.

Opportunities for enrichment experiences are carefully planned for each subject. Leaders ensure that pupils first have the knowledge they need to make the most of these experiences. Pupils are taught about different forms of discrimination and how rights are protected by law.

Pupils know that they can contribute their thoughts and ideas through the whole-school council. Pupils feel safe and respected and say that their voices are listened to. They trust that adults will take appropriate action if something is worrying them.

Pupils are polite and courteous. They show interest in different ideas and enjoy talking with adults. Behaviour does not interrupt learning at Springfield.

Pupils are rightly proud of the excellent behaviour in lessons and around the school.

Staff enjoy working here. Staff share leaders' commitment to achieving the best outcomes for pupils.

Leaders consider staff well-being when making decisions. Staff value being part of a federation of schools.

Persistent absence is an ongoing concern.

Leaders have a clear strategy in place to provide support to families to help improve attendance and to take further action where needed. The school is seeing some positive outcomes from this work, and leaders continue to ensure that attendance is a priority.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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