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Each morning, pupils arrive at school eager to discover new and interesting knowledge. Every pupil can excitedly describe a favourite subject.
Many are keen readers and writers. Others describe how they compete to be the fastest mathematician. Pupils are equally positive about how the school helps them to develop their individual talents in the arts and sports.
Staff want the very best for their pupils. In return, pupils work hard to meet high expectations because they also value their education. Staff regularly ask pupils about their home lives and interests.
They do this because they want everyone to feel that they belong to the Springhill family. The benef...its of this caring environment are clearly evident in the early years. Here, children make a strong start to their schooling because of the excellent care they receive.
Pupils behave exceptionally well. They show kindness and care about their own and each other's education. Pupils feel safe, knowing there is always an adult available who will listen to their worries or concerns.
Opportunities for pupils to talk about their feelings are frequent. These have been particularly appreciated by pupils and parents recently because of the disruption caused by COVID-19.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's vision of 'achieving excellence in all that we do' is felt in each lesson and throughout the school environment.
Leaders help their staff to make the most of every learning opportunity, ensuring that their pupils receive an excellent education. The planning of the curriculum is meticulous. This means that pupils develop detailed knowledge across every subject.
They can recollect information with ease and are keen to share this knowledge. Pupils are eager to retell key historical events, such as the Great Fire of London, or to explain how they have used their evaluation skills to improve items they have made during design and technology. An emphasis on securing the most important knowledge and skills ensures that pupils are ready for the next stage of their education.
Leaders and staff are determined that every pupil will be a confident reader by the time they leave the school. The teaching of phonics starts as soon as the children join Reception. The phonics programme is ambitious.
Pupils build the reading skills they need through repetition and practice. Every member of staff is highly trained and can identify quickly where extra support is needed. Additional phonics sessions are provided daily to ensure that every pupil becomes a fluent reader.
This focus on the skills of reading means that pupils can access the many rich and exciting books available. These are seen in every corridor, in every classroom and in the well-stocked library. As a result, pupils are enthusiastic readers and storytellers.
Pupils are keen to come to school, and attendance is high. Appropriate support is given to a very small number of pupils who need additional help to attend regularly. Parents particularly commend the pastoral support that staff provide daily.
This includes the provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These pupils are provided with excellent support that meets their carefully identified needs. This is seen both inside the classroom, as well as in the specific interventions that help pupils with SEND achieve highly.
The importance of the school's rules and routines is taught from Reception. Here, staff provide an environment that helps children develop skills such as listening and taking turns. This continues as pupils move through the school.
Pupils have a keen sense of what is right and wrong. They know what is expected of them and learning is rarely disrupted.
Pupils value the opportunities provided through the personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum.
This helps pupils, including the youngest children in Reception, to develop their understanding of the world around them. Pupils and staff are very proud of their diverse school. Pupils show a keen interest in listening to their classmates talk about their cultures and life experiences.
Leaders also encourage pupils to be active citizens. This is both within the curriculum and through the work of the school council and pupil committees. These give pupils a role in shaping school events such as the recent St David's Day celebrations.
School leaders are ably supported by a knowledgeable local governing body, as well as representatives from the diocese. Governors support leaders in balancing the professional development of staff with a regular consideration of staff's workload and well-being. This work reflects the school's consistent drive to ensure that everyone achieves their very best.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The school's safeguarding team have extensive knowledge. They provide regular and thorough training for staff and governors.
Swift action is taken when staff report any safeguarding concerns. Discussions take place daily to ensure pupils who may be at risk of harm get the support they need. Additional advice is requested from different external agencies when required.
PSHE lessons help pupils understand the actions they should take to stay safe. This is supported by online safety guidance provided by the school's computing curriculum. Pupils can confidently describe how to work safely online, including the importance of protecting their identity and passwords.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.