Springwell Alternative Academy Mablethorpe

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About Springwell Alternative Academy Mablethorpe

Name Springwell Alternative Academy Mablethorpe
Website https://springwellalternativeacademymablethorpe.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Lisa Ashcroft-Day
Address Seaholme Road, Mablethorpe, LN12 2DF
Phone Number 01507430580
Phase Academy
Type Free schools alternative provision
Age Range 4-16
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 34
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's values of providing hope, genuine care, unconditional positive regard and nurture are evident at Springwell Alternative Academy Mablethorpe. The ethos captured in the school's 'golden threads' underpins the excellent work that staff do to support pupils.

Staff know and understand the pupils very well. Pupils develop strong working relationships with staff. Pupils know they can achieve here and respond well to the high expectations set for them.

They feel safe and cared for. As a result, pupils engage with learning tasks with increasing resilience. Many spoke of feeling more settled, and several recognised the positive changes in themselves since joining t...he school.

Pupils follow learning programmes designed specifically around their needs. Staff focus on the things that will have the greatest impact in the limited time pupils attend the school. They ensure that the curriculum begins to fill any gaps in pupils' knowledge.

They are passionate that all pupils should develop a love for reading.Staff carefully guide pupils to understand their behaviours and give them the strategies they need to make positive choices. Pupils respectfully collaborate with staff to establish clear boundaries.

Pupils know that their opinions are valued. They learn very successfully to manage their emotions and feelings. Almost all pupils see marked improvements in their attendance and behaviour over time.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Every aspect of the school's provision enables pupils to thrive. Carefully constructed timetables, targeted support and appropriate interventions all support pupils' social, emotional and mental health needs. Therapeutic input and the use of the 'sensory pod' contribute towards helping pupils regulate their emotions.

Strategies designed to help pupils improve and manage their behaviour are highly effective.

The school provides an exceptionally high-quality education for pupils, who often arrive with significant gaps in their learning. Staff prioritise getting to know pupils' needs quickly and making suitable provision for them.

Pupils join the school at various points in the year. Some attend for a 16-week placement. Older pupils may remain at the school until the end of Year 11.

The school's curriculum therefore prioritises helping pupils to be 'ready to learn'. It promotes pupils' personal development and supports their social, emotional and mental health needs. There is an equal focus on the core subjects of English, mathematics and science and on the promotion of reading.

Staff assess pupils as soon as they join the school to identify any knowledge gaps. Teachers then plan individually for each pupil to address these gaps. They make precise checks on what pupils know and need to learn next.

As a result, pupils rapidly develop the knowledge and skills they need to be ready for their next steps.Most pupils successfully reintegrate into a mainstream school or move on to suitable specialist provision. As one older pupil stated, 'There is no way I'd have the opportunities I now have if I hadn't come here.'

A carefully planned reading programme seeks to urgently address any difficulties pupils have that may prevent them from being confident readers. All pupils benefit from daily 'reading to learn and learning to read' sessions. They are regularly exposed to a wide range of high-quality texts.

Those at the early stages of learning to read are well supported through high-quality phonics lessons and one-to-one interventions. As a result, many make rapid progress towards becoming accurate and fluent readers.

The school's work to promote pupils' broader development is exceptional.

The highly effective curriculum ensures that pupils know how to make safe choices. Pupils learn to take care of their mental and physical health. Pupils support each other through respecting their differences and celebrating everyone's achievements.

Pupils benefit from a very strong careers programme. They have lots of opportunities to develop interests. They engage in visits to local places of worship and places of historical interest, which builds their cultural capital.

Pupils are very well prepared for life in modern Britian.

Staff say they are well supported. They have access to a wide range of training, which helps to inform their practice.

They appreciate the effort made to reduce their workload and improve their well-being. Governors and trust leaders know the school very well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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