Squirrels Heath Infant School

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About Squirrels Heath Infant School

Name Squirrels Heath Infant School
Website http://www.squirrelsheath.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Julie White
Address Salisbury Road, Romford, RM2 5TP
Phone Number 01708446476
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 269
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Main findings

Squirrels Heath is a good school where pupils enjoy all aspects of school life. They work and play together harmoniously, which together with their good behaviour, makes a significant contribution to their good achievement. Pupils feel safe because of the good care, guidance and support and well-established safeguarding procedures.

Parents and carers greatly appreciate the school's work and the strong links between home and school. As one parent stated, 'We feel as if our views as parents are valued.' Most of those who responded to the questionnaires, distributed as part of the inspection, are happy with their children's experience at the school.

The engaging and well-planned curriculum close...ly reflects pupils' interests and makes clear links across subjects, especially for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. As one parent said, 'My children really enjoy the topics and get into them.' Children get off to a good start in the Early Years Foundation Stage and achieve well because the environment and curriculum are well adapted to promote their social and emotional development alongside their acquisition of basic skills.

Pupils continue to make good progress across the school and leave at the end of Year 2 with attainment that is above average overall and high in reading. Most recent assessment data indicate that the school has been particularly successful in accelerating boys' achievement in writing, particularly at the higher levels, which was a whole-school priority. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, achieve well because the overall quality of teaching is good.

Some teachers, however, do not make enough use of assessment information to plan activities which match pupils' different levels of ability closely enough or check how well pupils understand their learning during lessons. In some lessons, there is too much teacher-talk and this limits pupils' opportunities to be actively involved in their learning. Systems for monitoring children's progress are rigorous and make a significant contribution to their sustained good progress.

Teachers mark pupils' books regularly. However, the extent to which pupils are given information about how to improve is variable. The purposeful and effective leadership of the headteacher has ensured the school has continued to improve achievement since the last inspection.

Senior leaders and governors make good use of monitoring activities to plan for improvement. However, the use of measureable success criteria to evaluate the impact of their actions is currently underdeveloped. Self-evaluation is accurate and senior leaders have a well-informed view of the school's strengths and areas for development.

Middle leaders regularly monitor provision for their areas of responsibility, including the quality of teaching and learning, and this contributes to the school's good capacity for sustained improvement.

Information about the school

Squirrels Heath is a larger than average infant school. Most pupils are from a White British background and a small minority of pupils are from a wide range of ethnic groups.

A very small minority of pupils are learning to speak English as an additional language, and a small minority are at the early stages of learning English. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, predominantly for moderate learning difficulties, is above that found nationally. No pupils have a statement of special educational needs.

An average proportion of pupils are known to be eligible for free school meals. Childcare provision is provided on the school site but this is not managed by the governing body and is subject to a separate inspection report. The school has gained awards which recognise pupils' awareness of healthy lifestyles and sustainable living.

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