St Alban’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Alban’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Alban’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Emma Daly
Address Beauchamp Road, East Molesey, KT8 2PG
Phone Number 02089795893
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 413
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are deeply engaged with school life.

Every pupil has a leadership role. For example, the 'Mini Vinnies', part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, work to make a difference in the local area.

Pupils feel safe and supported.

There are exceptionally high expectations for every child, across every curriculum subject. Pupils work hard to be the best that they can possibly be.

All pupils receive the support they need to excel academically and to become confident, articulate, and highly engaged with the world around them.

Behaviour at the school is exceptional. Pupils share a sense of common purpose, underpinned by the school's Catholic etho...s and values.

All pupils make a tangible contribution to school life. The history curators, for example, have set up a lunchtime club for younger pupils, while reading ambassadors have set up a reading club. The members of the green team are tireless in their work to make the school ever more eco-friendly.

Pupils know that the adults want to hear about any worry they have, no matter how small, so that they can help them sort it out.

Parents appreciate the way in which their children are valued as individuals. One parent said, 'Knowing they are in a place where they are championed daily, seen for who they are, encouraged and supported as they start their schooling life is all we could ask for.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils' education begins the moment they enter Reception. Leaders know that this is a vital year. They have carefully considered what children in Reception need to know and be able to do in each area of the curriculum so that they are fully prepared to start Year 1.

For example, staff in Reception help children to develop their understanding of important concepts, such as monarchy, so that they are well prepared to begin studying history when they reach key stage 1.

The early success that children experience in their academic learning sits alongside a very carefully structured programme of personal, social and emotional development. From the very start, children learn to identify their feelings and, over time, build up the knowledge and skills they need to become self-regulating, responsible members of the school community.

The youngest children are able to scale a problem, and to articulate whether it is a 'pea- or watermelon-sized problem'. Over time, this scaling approach becomes more sophisticated and helps older pupils to approach any difficulties they encounter calmly and reasonably. These well-embedded approaches have, over time, contributed to an extremely calm and productive school environment, where pupils are highly receptive and focused on their learning.

Pupils' engagement, resilience and desire to learn has enabled leaders to implement an extremely ambitious curriculum in every subject. Staff are passionate and have high levels of expertise in all the subjects that they teach. This means that staff always explain things clearly to pupils and the work pupils get is ambitious and well-designed.

All staff know how to check that pupils are learning and remembering more over time in every subject. Pupils know they are expected to work hard to achieve exceptional outcomes. They aim high in all they do to 'lead the way for others both far and near'.

Leaders have carefully considered how to ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve the best possible outcomes. To ensure that all pupils get the right support, leaders work to identify any possible SEND as early as possible. They utilise external expertise, including support from within the multi-academy trust, extremely well in order to understand how to support individual pupils.

When additional support is required, leaders are determined that every minute of the school day is utilised so that pupils with SEND do not miss any learning.

There is a very sharp focus on ensuring that those who are at the early stages of learning to read quickly gain the knowledge and skills they need to become confident, fluent readers. There is a phonics programme in place, and all staff are trained so that they are expert in the teaching of early reading.

Children in Reception begin learning letter sounds right from the start. As soon as they are ready, children begin to read books that help them to practise the sounds they have learned. Leaders have carefully considered the books that staff will read to children and older pupils, as well as the books that older pupils will study to develop their comprehension of more sophisticated texts.

Pupils across the school read widely and often. Pupils that inspectors spoke with, including those who had found learning to read harder, were able to talk about their reading preferences articulately and with confidence.

Pupils across the school were consistently engaged in learning.

This was seen in every classroom, but also more widely. For example, pupils often followed up their learning in the classroom with their own linked research projects. Pupils were exceedingly proud of their learning and appreciated the ways in which leaders had anchored the curriculum in local history and geography.

These local elements of the curriculum are enriching and engaging for pupils and had been researched extremely thoroughly by school staff. A programme of regular trips and visitors carefully enhances the curriculum.

Leaders have carefully considered how they will help pupils to develop a clear moral compass so that as they grow up, they are well-equipped to make a positive contribution to the world.

The leadership roles that pupils hold allow them to experience helping others in meaningful ways. Pupils in the school have developed a deep sense of respect for themselves, for others, and for the school and wider community. Pupils understand the importance of living healthy and active lives, with outdoor play being a key feature.

There is a wide variety of extra-curricular activities on offer, including competitive sports, choir and engineering club.

Leaders in the school and the multi-academy trust are steadfast in their commitment to providing every pupil with an exceptional education. All staff share their vision.

Staff know that leaders have high standards but understand why this is. All staff in the school feel well supported by leaders and appreciate the professional development opportunities that are provided through the multi-academy trust. Those who are responsible for governance are highly committed and bring a great deal of expertise to their roles.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The school identifies pupils who may need early help and provides a high level of support from within the school. For example, the school employs a school counsellor, a home-school link worker and two emotional support workers for pupils.

Where pupils need additional help, leaders refer to safeguarding partners and external agencies appropriately. Leaders have systems in place to manage safe recruitment of staff and allegations or safeguarding concerns about staff. Leaders ensure that pupils learn about safeguarding risks, including online safety, and how to get help if they need it.

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