St Alban’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School

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About St Alban’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School

Name St Alban’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Headteacher Mrs Lindsey Ebsworth
Address Wadworth Street, Denaby Main, Doncaster, DN12 4AQ
Phone Number 01709862298
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 227
Local Authority Doncaster
Highlights from Latest Inspection
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.

What is it like to attend this school?

This school is in the process of significant change. There are strengths around behaviour, conduct, early years and the opportunities for pupils to develop character.

However, pupils currently do not achieve as highly as they could in all areas of the curriculum. Where the curriculum is less developed it does not help pupils to remember what they have learned effectively. Nonetheless, the quality of education is improving.

Pupils are happy and say they feel safe. They know that if they have a worry there is an adult to talk to. During outdoor breaktimes, pupils get along well with each other.

Play leaders from Years 3 and 6 support younger pupils with games. ...Pupils enjoy the outdoor play equipment that is available, particularly the recent addition of the mile track.

Pupils understand how they are expected to behave.

They listen attentively in lessons. They know how to take turns and allow others to learn without disruption. Pupils move around school sensibly and calmly.

Pupils are polite and courteous. However, they find it difficult to talk confidently about their learning and what they like about school.

Pupils know what bullying is.

They are confident that if it did happen, staff would intervene swiftly. Leaders have developed the pastoral team to help more vulnerable pupils and provide family support. Staff and pupils have strong, positive relationships.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Senior leaders know what is required to improve the school. They have plans in place to address historic weaknesses. Some of the changes that they have made have had an instant impact, such as improvements to the learning environment.

However, more time is needed for changes in the curriculum to impact on pupils' achievement.

Leaders are ambitious and determined that pupils will achieve well. Leaders have identified that changes to the curriculum need to be made.

At present, the curriculum is not structured well enough to help pupils acquire the knowledge they require. Pupils cannot remember what they have learned, and they find it challenging to apply knowledge they know. The order in which pupils are learning is not helping them build a secure foundation of knowledge.

Leaders provide a broad curriculum and efforts are being made to ensure that it is delivered consistently well. Where the choice of subject content is strong, pupils respond well and are enthusiastic in their learning. However, at times where teacher knowledge is less strong, it can lead to a poor choice of activity or inappropriate use of resources.

When this happens, pupils do not achieve as well as they should.Leaders work closely with teachers to check what pupils know and do not know. These checks are at an early stage of development.

Consequently, leaders do not have an accurate picture of how effective the curriculum changes have been.Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are quickly identified. Individual plans for support are in place but are not always accurate enough.

This means that pupils with SEND do not achieve as highly as they should.

In early years, many children start school with additional speech and language challenges. As a response, leaders have reordered parts of the curriculum to introduce certain sounds more quickly.

With this additional support, plus extra reading time, children are quickly learning the sounds that letters make. This helps them to confidently apply prior knowledge when reading unfamiliar words. Pupils read books that are matched to their knowledge.

This helps them to practise sounds they are learning. Extra, small group sessions are used to support pupils who find reading more difficult. This is helping pupils to improve their reading more quickly.

Leaders have created an environment where pupils feel comfortable and safe. Pupils' behaviour is managed consistently and fairly across the school. All staff have high expectations for how pupils should behave.

When children start Nursery, they begin to learn about positive relationships and how to look after themselves. As pupils move through the school, they learn to manage their own behaviours and develop an understanding of other people. As a result, pupils build resilience, responsibility and have respect for others.

Pupils behave well.

Leaders are aware of the need to provide experiences for pupils beyond the classroom. COVID-19 has had an impact on usual provision but leaders have maintained extra-curricular activities where possible.

Leaders are determined that pupils will have knowledge of their local area. The history curriculum includes specific learning about the local mining industry, for example. Pupils were part of a mining project and worked a with a local artist.

Pupils have also had opportunities to be part of local community singing events and broaden their cultural awareness by experiencing the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

Governors share the drive and determination for success along with the headteacher. They are aware of the changes that have had to be made.

They contribute fully to the life of the school. They hold leaders to account with information they receive and from focused school visits. Leaders have created an environment where staff well-being is valued.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Senior leaders have identified the increasing demand to support vulnerable pupils. They have acted swiftly to expand the pastoral and safeguarding team.

This reflects leaders' determination to keep pupils safe. Staff are vigilant and report concerns quickly to the designated safeguarding leaders (DSLs). Once a concern has been raised, DSLs act decisively and identify what are the most appropriate next steps.

Leaders work collaboratively with external agencies and always strive to provide the right help for pupils and families. Leaders ensure that safeguarding is not just a responsive action. They are proactive in providing help and advice to try to prevent more serious problems.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The curriculum does not include defined core knowledge that is vital for pupils to learn. This means that pupils are unable to build a secure foundation of knowledge and apply this when required. Leaders should review the curriculum so precise knowledge content is taught at the right time and in the right order.

• The implementation of the curriculum across the school is inconsistent. This means pupils are not acquiring the knowledge they should in every year group. Leaders need to make sure that staff subject knowledge is consistent across all subjects and year groups.

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