St Andrew’s Catholic School

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About St Andrew’s Catholic School

Name St Andrew’s Catholic School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Alan Mitchell
Address Grange Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7JP
Phone Number 01372277881
Phase Secondary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1518
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are extremely proud of their school.

Its values of kindness and respect are evident in the exceptionally positive relationships pupils have with each other and with staff, and their excellent behaviour in lessons and social time. Sixth-form students are impressive embodiments of these values for younger pupils.

The school is ambitious and inclusive.

Staff share the strong belief that all pupils can succeed and flourish, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school has successfully established a culture and systems which support everyone to make this belief a reality. Staff know pupils as individuals and take se...riously any concerns raised.

Consequently, pupils feel empowered to speak up and thus feel safe and happy.

The school's curriculum reflects its academic ambitions. Pupils study a broad range of subjects from Year 7 onwards and they rise to high levels of challenge from the start.

As a result, pupils are very successful in public examinations, including pupils with additional needs.

Parents and carers are hugely supportive of the school. They embrace its high standards because of the care shown to pupils and because they know the school will help their children to 'be the best they can be'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum prepares pupils extremely well for examinations but also inspires them to see their learning in a wider context. Very occasionally, pupils follow bespoke programmes but mostly pupils follow the same curriculum as their peers. In all key stages, the curriculum is designed and delivered to an excellent standard.

Staff understand clearly what pupils must know and be able to do at each point. They select approaches and resources which help all pupils to embed learning. Teachers receive clear information about any pupil's additional needs and how to help them.

They adapt their teaching accordingly. Staff introduce new content and ensure that pupils practise applying what they have been taught in a deliberately stepped way. Tasks become increasingly demanding over time.

Pupils approach them enthusiastically because of the resilience and skills they develop from key stage 3 onwards. Staff routinely check understanding and provide feedback which pupils use to help improve their work. Consequently, pupils become confident and independent learners, regardless of starting points.

One pupil described learning as being 'like building bricks'.

Pupils read widely and routinely in school, including in their different subjects. Where necessary pupils receive effective help which targets any specific reading gaps they have.

Students in sixth form benefit from a strong emphasis on deepening their learning and thinking, for example through academic reading.

The school's culture of respect for self and others demands high standards of behaviour and attendance. Clear routines and systems ensure that both are excellent.

Where pupils struggle to meet these expectations, individualised support is provided. Staff are relentless in their efforts to help pupils and families. The school has a 'we do not give up on them' approach.

Indeed, the school's pastoral work is very strong, supported by its chaplaincy. Pupils value highly the care they receive.

Character development is an important part of school life.

For example, sixth-form students embody generosity and service through their leadership of charity work and pupil voice. Pupils in all years participate enthusiastically in the wide range of activities on offer such as clubs, trips and formal schemes such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award. These support character development but also enable pupils to nurture existing interests and talents and discover new ones, with new friends.

The school ensures that all pupils can join in, regardless of background.

The personal development curriculum is carefully and ambitiously sequenced from Year 7 to 13. Pupils revisit themes in each year, in age-appropriate ways.

They learn how to navigate safely the complex world they inhabit, both real and online. Staff help them explore contemporary social issues sensitively and maturely. Through the excellent careers programme, pupils learn about different possibilities for the future.

They are regularly exposed to a variety of representatives from the world of work, education and training. Consequently, pupils are extremely well prepared for their next steps but also for citizenship in modern Britain.

Governors know the school very well and share its relentless drive for continuous improvement.

They provide strong support and challenge, not least linked to safeguarding and equality. The school holds staff to very high standards but does so supportively and kindly. Staff receive high-quality professional development, and they value the consideration shown of their workload and well-being.

Staff feel respected and are very loyal to the school. They are extremely proud to work here.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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