St Andrew’s CofE Primary School

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About St Andrew’s CofE Primary School

Name St Andrew’s CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Michael Platt
Address Vicars Hall Lane, Boothstown, Manchester, M28 1HS
Phone Number 01619211640
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 465
Local Authority Salford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this school. Relationships between pupils and staff are built on high levels of trust and respect.

Pupils are happy at school and delight in all that it has to offer.

Throughout the school, pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They are kind, courteous and well mannered.

Teachers establish routines to support excellent behaviour in the early years and these high expectations for pupils' behaviour continue throughout the school.

Pupils achieve remarkably well. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils do their utmost to reach the high standards that the school sets for their achievement.... Pupils tackle new learning with enthusiasm. They enjoy the challenges that each day brings.

The school also places great importance on developing pupils socially and emotionally. The impressive range of opportunities that are available nurture pupils' talents and interests. Pupils benefit from residential visits, golf and sailing alongside a range of sporting and arts-based clubs.

Such activities allow pupils to develop their confidence, team building and leadership skills.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's highly ambitious and well-designed curriculum ensures that pupils' learning improves securely over time. The school provides high-quality training that enable staff to deliver the curriculum with accuracy and expertise.

Across the curriculum, from the Nursery Year to Year 6, subject content is delivered meticulously.

The school uses accurate assessment information to quickly identify and address any gaps in pupils' knowledge. Consequently, pupils build a valuable and rich body of knowledge over time that they use confidently across subjects.

This means that they achieve very highly.

The school has established highly effective systems to accurately identify any additional needs that pupils may have. Teachers adapt their delivery of the curriculum exceptionally well to make sure that pupils with SEND are included and succeed.

Reading is central to the curriculum. This begins in the Nursery classes where children develop a love of stories. Expertly trained staff deliver the phonics programme extremely well.

The books that children in the early years and pupils in key stage 1 read are carefully matched to the sounds that they know. Pupils who find reading more difficult are given the extra support that they need. As pupils progress through school, they become confident and fluent readers.

Pupils develop a love of reading. For example, they spoke passionately about the authors and books that they like. They also understand that reading will support them in their wider learning.

The school's exceptional approach to fostering pupils' personal development helps them to develop into respectful and responsible citizens. Pupils know how to behave appropriately and how to keep themselves safe online. The school ensures that pupils keep physically healthy and mentally well.

Pupils demonstrate a clear understanding of how the law is there to protect people with different characteristics. They understand fundamental British values. Older pupils are also able to discuss what life may be like in countries where such values are not recognised.

Pupils demonstrate a deep understanding of other faiths and cultures. The school provides opportunities for pupils to learn about the importance of tolerance within the community and the wider world. Pupils are extremely well prepared for life beyond school.

A variety of additional clubs help to develop pupils' talents and interests. The 'mini and junior Duke' awards support pupils to develop a wide range of life skills. These include completing risk assessments prior to an activity and acts of kindness towards family members and others in the community.

From the very start of their time at the school, pupils learn how to behave. They do so exceptionally well. Pupils engage fully in lessons and demonstrate exceptional attitudes to learning.

The school places great importance on pupils' attendance and punctuality. Well-established systems allow the school to monitor pupils' rates of attendance effectively. The school supports pupils and their families when their attendance falls below the expected levels.

This work is very successful. It brings about swift and sustained improvements.

Governors fulfil their role with commitment and tenacity.

They monitor the school's continuous improvement closely. Governors are clear about their strategic role and responsibilities. This enables those responsible for governance to hold the school to account fully for the quality of education that pupils receive.

Staff are extremely proud to work at this school. They value the care that the school takes to keep an eye on their workload and well-being when changes are introduced.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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