St Andrew’s CofE First School

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About St Andrew’s CofE First School

Name St Andrew’s CofE First School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Frances Barnes
Address Hewell Road, Barnt Green, Birmingham, B45 8NG
Phone Number 01214451410
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 5-9
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 220
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school? '

Reach our potential with the help of God' is the motto that underpins everything at this school. Staff have high ambitions for every pupil, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These ambitions are commonly realised because all staff help pupils to be the best they can be.

As a result, pupils do well and achieve strong outcomes.

This school is an inclusive community where all pupils are nurtured and very well cared for. Pupils repay this with strong behaviour and high attendance.

Warm and respectful relationships between adults and pupils are commonplace and a pleasure to observe. Pupils are welc...oming, curious and courteous. They work hard in lessons and enjoy their learning.

Pupils are confident that adults will deal with any worries quickly and fairly.

The school's work to enhance pupils' character and wider development is excellent. Pupils enjoy a wide range of activities that extend their learning beyond the classroom.

These activities include leadership roles, trips, residentials and a plethora of after-school clubs. Pupils also learn important life lessons on topics such as healthy relationships, strong mental health and personal safety. Consequently, pupils are exceptionally well prepared for later life.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has high expectations of every pupil. These are driven through an ambitious curriculum. Staff teach engaging lessons that build up pupils' knowledge and skills.

Consequently, pupils achieve well. This includes disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND.

Reading is a priority across the school.

The teaching of phonics is strong and helps pupils to develop their reading skills effectively. Staff spot pupils who need extra help and provide them with targeted support. Pupils enjoy daily story and reading time.

They read widely and often throughout the day. Thus, most pupils read at an age-appropriate level.

Pupils generally receive work that is well matched to their needs.

Staff quickly spot anyone who is stuck and needs help. Teachers act swiftly to ensure pupils get the support they need to catch up. However, some pupils, particularly those who are ready to learn new content, are not moved on to new learning quickly enough.

When this happens, the learning for those pupils slows.

Pupils with SEND are very well supported. The school swiftly identifies any pupils who may need extra help.

All staff know pupils with SEND and their needs very well. Pupils receive bespoke support, including in lessons and through targeted interventions. As a result, they overcome barriers to learning and achieve well.

Children in the early years settle in well. They are happy and safe. Children enjoy learning and playing with friends.

They begin learning about letters and numbers straight away.Adults model language effectively and children quickly become strong communicators. As a result, children are well prepared for Year 1.

Pupils behave well and enjoy coming to school. They understand and meet the school's high expectations of conduct and behaviour. The school is calm and orderly, including during play and lunch times.

Pupils are consistently respectful to one another and adults.

The school's work to promote pupils' personal development is exceptional. This work includes an array of clubs, trips, visits and after-school activities, which pupils keenly attend.

There is a wide range of activities to promote pupils' positive mental health and well-being. The school's curriculum to develop pupils' character is exemplary. Pupils, for instance, knowledgeably talk about values such as kindness and respect.

Many pupils are ambassadors for the school in various leadership roles. As a result, pupils are exceptionally well prepared to be active citizens of British society.

Senior leaders are dedicated to and passionate about their school.

They promptly identify and address any issues that fall short of their high expectations. Leaders work very effectively with parents and carers. Almost all parents would recommend the school to others.

All staff are proud to work at the school. They believe that school leaders care about their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some staff do not routinely adapt their teaching to extend the learning of pupils who are ready to learn new content. This slows the learning of those pupils. The school should ensure that all staff have the expertise to support pupils' learning effectively.

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