St Ann’s Primary School

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About St Ann’s Primary School

Name St Ann’s Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Lee Rowan
Address St Leonard’s Road, Eastwood, Rotherham, S65 1PD
Phone Number 01709828298
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 383
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

St Ann's Primary school is built on strong relationships. Pupils say that they feel safe because they know that staff care about them and will help if they have a concern. Pupils show thoughtful acceptance and understanding of others.

They value and embrace difference and, as a result, new pupils are warmly welcomed into the school. One pupil said that 'equality is important here, nobody misses out.' Leaders have high expectations of pupils' achievements and behaviour.

Pupils value recognition of their successes, taking pride in seeing their work displayed around the school.Classrooms are calm and it is very rare for learning to be disrupted. Staff are skilled in addr...essing and supporting the behaviour of pupils with additional needs.

They do this very effectively, through their knowledge of, and positive relationships with, individual pupils. Pupils say that bullying rarely happens. Nonetheless, they trust staff to address it quickly and effectively should it occur.

Breakfast club provides a social and relaxed start to the day. There is a warm welcome for pupils and parents alike. There are other opportunities to deepen learning in the wider curriculum, such as visits that are linked to pupils' topics, different school clubs and charity events.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has recently adopted an effective curriculum, including in the early years. Subject content is set out clearly and is well ordered. The curriculum resources help to support teachers to assess pupils and address any misunderstandings.

Pupils' knowledge in mathematics and reading is secure. Pupils know how teachers help them improve in these subjects and know what to do if they get stuck with a question.Pupils can talk about their current learning in the wider curriculum subjects confidently but struggle to talk about their previous learning.

This is because the wider curriculum is not as firmly established as core subjects. School improvement planning shows that this is the next priority.The school prioritises teaching pupils to read.

From the early years, children enjoy reading and listening to a rich variety of stories and rhymes. Staff have been well trained to teach phonics. As a result, the phonics programme is taught with precision, so pupils secure the sounds they need to read accurately.

They read books that are matched closely to the sounds that they are learning. Pupils who struggle to read are supported quickly with a well-focused and effective catch-up programme.There is an ambitious early years provision.

The curriculum is planned methodically and delivered through carefully selected activities. There is a strong emphasis on developing children's vocabulary and communication skills in conjunction with fostering their early language and mathematics skills. Children's self-confidence and independence are developed very effectively.

This ensures that when they move into Year 1, they are ready to learn what comes next in the curriculum. However, learning activities in the outdoor provision are not as well considered as the activities indoors. This limits opportunities for children to develop their knowledge and skills outside.

This is a highly inclusive school. Classrooms are calm and joyful. Staff manage pupils who have complex needs well.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) work successfully alongside their peers in lessons. This is because teachers think carefully about pupils' needs and how best to support them. Pupils work well with the adults who provide extra help.

Teachers check closely whether pupils with SEND have grasped the key knowledge they need.Adults are working hard to improve outcomes for pupils. Progress through the curriculum is strong.

Some pupils' achievement is slowed due to low attendance. Leaders have implemented a new system to check that all pupils are attending school as they should and, as a result, attendance is improving.Pupils are proud of their school value 'RESPECT' and know that every child has a voice.

Pupils learn about respect and tolerance through a planned programme of assemblies, trips and clubs. They know why it is important to learn about difference and respect other cultures. They are proud of the 35 languages spoken in school.

Trustees, governors and leaders from the trust share a clear vision for continual improvement and have high ambition for the school. They know the school well. Staff are proud members of the school community.

They feel that the trust and school leaders manage their workload and consider their well-being effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Pupils knowledge of the wider curriculum subjects is not as secure as mathematics and reading.

Pupils can talk about their current learning but struggle to remember the content they have been taught previously. This is because the curriculum has recently been adopted and needs further time to embed. The school needs to ensure that pupils know and remember the key knowledge in the wider curriculum and use this to make connections to prior learning.

• Learning activities in the outdoor learning areas in the early years are not as carefully considered as those indoors. There is limited opportunity for children to develop their knowledge and vocabulary. The school needs to ensure that adults provide more meaningful opportunities for children to learn, play and interact when using outdoor areas.

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