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Pupils have benefited from the substantial improvements that leaders have recently made across this school. Pupils said that leaders have raised their expectations of their behaviour. Most pupils understand that this is because leaders want the best for them.
Typically, pupils' conduct reflects leaders' high standards. Most pupils feel happy and safe in school.
Leaders demonstrate increasing ambition for what pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can achieve.
For example, the proportion of pupils studying the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects is rising rapidly. Pupils typically achieve well.
Leaders... have provided thoughtful ways for pupils to report any concerns that they have, for example through the 'Tell Us' section of the school website.
When pupils report incidents of bullying, leaders respond swiftly and effectively.
Pupils have a strong voice in this school. Leaders consult with the student council on issues ranging from the food selection in the canteen to what they learn about in personal, social and health education (PSHE) lessons.
This helps pupils to feel valued within the school community.
Leaders encourage pupils to engage in enrichment opportunities. Pupils spoke particularly enthusiastically about the trips that leaders offer, such as the recent visit to Amsterdam.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
In recent years, leaders have made improvements to the quality of education that they provide. They have ensured that subject leaders are knowledgeable about effective curriculum design. Subject leaders have thought carefully about how learning builds from Years 7 to 11.
They have identified what pupils will learn and the order in which this knowledge will be taught. The strengthened curriculum means that pupils build their knowledge well over time.
Teachers have strong subject knowledge.
They work closely together to design effective learning activities. Leaders have ensured that teachers use assessment strategies to frequently check what pupils know and remember. However, some teachers do not execute these strategies effectively.
As a result, some pupils, including pupils with SEND, develop gaps in their learning which teachers do not identify and address as swiftly as they could.
In the last two years, leaders have strengthened the provision for pupils with SEND. In particular, leaders have raised staff's expectations of what these pupils can achieve academically.
Leaders accurately identify any additional needs that pupils may have. Teachers successfully adapt their delivery of the curriculum so that pupils with SEND learn well alongside their peers.Leaders have identified reading as a barrier to learning for many of their pupils.
Leaders have robust systems and processes in place to identify those pupils who struggle the most with their reading. Well-trained staff provide timely support, which helps these pupils to read with increasing accuracy and confidence.
The atmosphere in the school, including during lessons, is calm and orderly.
While many staff and pupils spoke about considerable improvements in behaviour recently, a small number of pupils, parents and carers said that behaviour sometimes disrupts learning. Leaders have introduced more robust processes for dealing with any poor behaviour swiftly. They have developed a range of actions which are helping those pupils who struggle to regulate their own behaviour.
A number of pupils, particularly some disadvantaged pupils, do not attend school as often as they should. As a result, these pupils miss out on vital learning.
Leaders promote pupils' personal development through assemblies and PSHE lessons.
Pupils experience democracy in action when they elect their student council representatives. Pupils are prepared well for life in modern Britain.
Pupils experience a suitable careers programme.
Leaders ensure that pupils receive the information and guidance that they need to make informed decisions about their next steps.
Leaders at all levels have a strong shared vision of the high-quality education that they want to provide. Trustees and governors work well together to support and challenge leaders.
Staff share leaders' vision for the school. Staff are very proud to work at this school. They are appreciative of leaders' consideration of their workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have a robust approach to safeguarding pupils. Leaders have trained staff well to follow the '4Rs'.
These remind staff of their duty to recognise, respond, record and refer any concerns that they have about pupils. Staff know how to identify pupils who may be at risk of harm. Staff are vigilant to the particular risks that are more common in the local area.
Leaders work with external agencies to ensure that vulnerable pupils receive appropriate support in a timely way.
Pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe through the wider curriculum. For example, they learn about fire and water safety and how to stay safe online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some teachers do not check effectively how well pupils know and remember the curriculum. This means that some pupils develop gaps in their knowledge which are not identified quickly or addressed swiftly. Leaders should ensure that teachers have the expertise required to use assessment strategies consistently well.
• Some pupils, particularly some disadvantaged pupils, do not attend school as often as they should. This means that they miss out on essential learning and do not achieve as highly as they should. Leaders should accelerate their plans to improve the attendance of these pupils.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.