St Anne’s Roman Catholic Primary School Blackburn

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About St Anne’s Roman Catholic Primary School Blackburn

Name St Anne’s Roman Catholic Primary School Blackburn
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr A Pierce
Address Feilden Street, Blackburn, BB2 1LQ
Phone Number 01254580462
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 229
Local Authority Blackburn with Darwen
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Everyone is made to feel welcome at St Anne's. Pupils describe their school as 'one big happy family'. Many pupils who join the school are new to the country.

Staff help these pupils to settle in quickly and make new friends.

Pupils told inspectors that they feel happy and safe at school. They said that there is always an adult to whom they can turn if they have any worries.

Pupils are confident that if bullying or name calling happens, staff will sort it out and make sure it is not repeated.

Pupils behave well because their teachers have high expectations of them. Pupils are clear about the school rules.

They work hard in lessons, listen at...tentively and follow teachers' instructions.

Pupils appreciate what they learn from each other about different religions and cultures. A broad personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) curriculum helps them to learn about and celebrate the differences that exist between people.

Pupils enjoy the opportunity to be members of the school council and the faith council.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a well-planned and appropriately ambitious curriculum, including in the early years. Through high-quality training, subject leaders have developed their curriculum expertise.

They use their knowledge to support teachers to deliver the curriculum well. Children in the early years get off to a strong start. For example, they learn to count confidently and recognise written numbers and patterns in mathematics.

Pupils across the school achieve well. When pupils leave at the end of Year 6, they are well placed to make a strong start at secondary school.

In most subjects, leaders have set out the essential knowledge that pupils will learn and by when.

Teachers design learning effectively to ensure that pupils learn this knowledge in the order intended. However, in a small number of subjects, leaders have not clearly identified the essential knowledge that pupils should learn. This means that, on occasion, teachers do not design learning that builds on what pupils know already.

In most subjects, teachers use assessment information well to inform their planning. This is particularly the case in reading and mathematics. Teachers review and adapt their plans regularly to revisit important content that pupils may have missed or forgotten because of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

This is helping pupils, including children in the early years, to catch up with their learning.

Pupils, including children in the Reception Class, benefit from daily reading lessons. The early reading and phonics curriculum is designed carefully so that pupils can learn and practise their sounds and letters in the right order.

Staff access appropriate phonics training. They ensure that those pupils who fall behind in reading get additional support. Almost all pupils can read fluently by the end of Year 2.

Mostly, staff ensure that the books younger pupils read are matched well to the sounds that they know. However, very occasionally, some pupils who struggle with reading, read books that are too difficult. This affects pupils' confidence and prevents them from reading fluently.

Older pupils told inspectors that they enjoy reading and listening to stories. Teachers use well-chosen stories to develop and broaden pupils' vocabulary.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well by staff.

Leaders ensure that pupils' additional needs are identified as early as possible. Parents and carers of pupils with SEND are highly positive about the effective individualised support that their children receive. Those pupils who speak English as an additional language benefit from the help they need to access the curriculum.

Pupils' learning in class is rarely interrupted by the behaviour of others. Those pupils who struggle with their behaviour are supported well by staff. As a result, pupils can learn in calm and well-ordered classrooms.

Through the PSHE curriculum, pupils learn how to stay healthy, both physically and emotionally. Pupils value the opportunity to organise charity and fundraising events. Leaders ensure that pupils develop their talents and interests through a range of clubs.

For example, pupils enjoy playing dodgeball and football at lunchtime.

Members of the governing body provide leaders with an appropriate level of challenge and support. For instance, they have ensured that leaders' curriculum plans are suitably ambitious.

Staff appreciate the lengths that governors and leaders go to, to keep their workload manageable. Staff feel that leaders care for them and look after their well-being. All staff who responded to Ofsted's online questionnaire enjoy working at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that all staff receive appropriate safeguarding training. Staff are clear about how to report any safeguarding concerns.

Leaders act quickly to refer any concerns to external agencies and ensure that pupils and their families receive appropriate support.

Pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe. For example, pupils learn about the dangers associated with social media and how to keep themselves safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Very occasionally, some staff do not ensure that younger pupils read books that are closely matched to the sounds that they know. This hinders these pupils in developing their fluency and confidence in reading. Leaders should ensure that the books pupils read are matched more closely to their phonics knowledge, so that pupils can become proficient readers.

• In a small number of subjects, leaders have not set out clearly enough the essential knowledge that pupils should learn and when. This hinders teachers in designing learning that builds on what pupils know already. Leaders should ensure that they make clear to teachers the essential knowledge that they want pupils to know and remember, so that subsequent learning builds on pupils' prior knowledge.

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