St Augustine’s Catholic College

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About St Augustine’s Catholic College

Name St Augustine’s Catholic College
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Aidan Dowle
Address Wingfield Road, Trowbridge, BA14 9EN
Phone Number 01225350001
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 946
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

St Augustine's Catholic College is a happy school community that pupils and adults are proud to be members of. The desire to provide educational opportunities which make individuals the best that they can be drives all that the school does.

The St Augustine's SPIRIT (self-control, positivity, integrity, respect, initiative and teamwork) reminds pupils how to approach their learning. Pupils and students in the sixth form actively take on leadership roles because they want to support others. Members of the student parliament meet regularly with senior leaders to share their views and offer suggestions.

Pupils and staff value the highly inclusive culture of the school. B...ullying is rare and pupils have the confidence to report it to adults. They know that adults will ensure that it stops and is not repeated.

The school has high expectations for pupils' behaviour with generous rewards and fair consequences in place. However, at times some pupil behaviour does fall below expectations and this is not always challenged by adults. On these occasions it frustrates pupils that the behaviour of others is impacting on their learning.

Pupils want the high expectations upheld in all areas of school life.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The St Augustine's curriculum is broad and ambitious for all pupils. The school has carefully considered what knowledge and skills pupils will learn in each subject.

For example, the history curriculum provides pupils who join the school from across the local area an understanding of their local context. The recent changes made to the modern foreign languages curriculum is increasing the number of pupils studying the GCSE course. This in turn means more pupils can complete the English Baccalaureate.

The school curriculum prepares pupils well for external examinations and for future learning.

Subject experts deliver the curriculum. Clear explanations, modelling of high-quality answers and regular recall opportunities mean that pupils remember their learning well over time.

Formal assessments check pupils' understanding and provide them with feedback on their learning. However, routines for checking understanding between these assessments are less well established. This means that sometimes there is insufficient adaptation of the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils.

For example, pupils who have already grasped concepts may not learn more complex ideas swiftly enough, while others may have gaps in their knowledge that remain unresolved.

The Emmaus Centre is a hub for pastoral and academic support for all pupils, including those in the sixth form. Here, pupils can speak to trusted adults and seek support for their mental health.

This provision supports those pupils who need additional help to attend school regularly. In addition, pupils who speak English as an additional language and those who need support with literacy or reading quickly develop their skill and confidence. The school accurately identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

As a result, these pupils are able learn the curriculum as well as their peers.

Reading is highly valued at this school. Pupils and students in the sixth form read frequently as part of the Words, Wisdom and Worship programme.

A diverse and carefully selected range of books explore themes that are relevant to pupils. Sixth-form students act as buddy readers to share their love of reading with younger pupils. Opportunities for reflection enable pupils to discuss and debate their own views on the world.

Pupils are tolerant and considerate of the views of others.

The school has ensured that pupils and students in the sixth form follow a personal development curriculum that enables them to explore their own and other faiths. The curriculum covers relationships and sex education in an age-appropriate manner.

Pupils learn how to look after their own safety and understand their responsibilities for protected characteristics and fundamental British values. Student-led groups such as Girl Talk provide further opportunities for pupils to have their voices heard. This means they are well prepared for adult life.

Sixth-form students are role models for younger pupils. This includes providing mentorship and leading extra-curricular activities. Pupils can develop their talents and interests through clubs, events and competitions.

For example, pupils take part in the young musician of the year. Visits and guest speakers enrich the curriculum well. Pupils have opportunities to learn about the world of work, including meeting employers and other education providers.

Sixth-form students are well supported to make informed choices between university, apprenticeships or employment.

The trust has an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development. It seeks support and professional training to improve the school.

Leaders consider the workload and well-being of staff when implementing new polices. As a result, staff feel empowered to carry out their roles and make a positive difference to the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The implementation of the curriculum is not sufficiently adapted so that all pupils learn as well as they might. The trust should ensure that there is an accurate understanding of what pupils can and cannot do so that the curriculum can be adapted as required. This will enable all pupils to learn the curriculum as well as possible, regardless of their starting points.

• On a few occasions, the high expectations for pupils' behaviour are not upheld. When this happens, pupils are frustrated by the disruption they experience. The trust should ensure that the school's clear behaviour systems are consistently used to maintain high standards of pupils' conduct across all areas of school life.

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