St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy

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About St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy

Name St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Elizabeth Lambe
Address Conwy Court, Castlefields, Runcorn, WA7 2JJ
Phone Number 01928568936
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 129
Local Authority Halton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

St Augustine's is a warm and welcoming school. Pupils are keen to learn and make friends.

They are happy, and feel safe and supported in school. The school sets high expectations for pupils' achievement. Pupils live up to these expectations.

They spoke openly and confidently about the work that they do in class. Pupils' positive attitudes to their learning and the pride that they take in their work help them achieve well.

Pupils behave well.

As a result, the school has a calm and purposeful atmosphere which reflects its ethos of 'be ready, show respect, aim high'. Pupils care for and support each other. They respond well to staff's requests and direc...tion.

Pupils are aware of whom they can talk to if they have a concern.

Older pupils have access to a range of activities and experiences which allow them to develop their interests. These include sports clubs and residential trips.

Pupils, and children in the early years, benefit from an exceptionally well-resourced outdoor environment. This includes the school's innovative treehouse, which stimulates their engagement and learning.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has established a well-structured curriculum which is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

In most subjects, it is clear what the important knowledge is that pupils must learn. Teachers' subject knowledge is strong. This allows them to deliver the curriculum in a way that enables pupils to build their knowledge well over time.

As a result, pupils across the school, including those with SEND, are well prepared for the next steps in their learning.

In a few subjects, however, the school has not identified what important knowledge it wants pupils to learn. This makes it difficult for teachers to design learning opportunities that help pupils to gain the knowledge that they should.

It also makes it difficult for teachers to check what pupils have learned and where they may have gaps in their understanding.

The school prioritises reading. Pupils benefit from a wide range of reading resources which promote access to, and a love of, reading.

For example, a reading hut provides a cosy haven for pupils to enjoy their reading activities. Staff have benefited from training in the school's phonics programme, which is delivered consistently well. Children start this programme as soon as they enter the Reception class, having benefited from a language-rich environment across the early years provision.

This allows pupils to quickly develop their fluency and accuracy in reading. Teachers' checks ensure that those who struggle to keep up with the reading programme are identified and receive effective support.

The school ensures that pupils with SEND are identified early.

This allows pupils and their families to access the support that they need. Teachers adapt the delivery of the curriculum to enable pupils with SEND to learn alongside their peers. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well.

The trust has ensured that staff have access to effective professional development. Staff have readily engaged with these opportunities, which have helped support their knowledge in delivering the subject curriculums.

Pupils' behaviour in class and around the school is very positive.

As a result, pupils learn in an environment that is free from distractions for the vast majority of the time. Pupils are polite, respectful and welcoming.

The school has thought carefully about pupils' wider development.

Older pupils have opportunities to take on responsibilities through a range of roles in the school, for example as fire marshals or safety officers.

The school has fostered a strong, positive and supportive culture among staff. They recognise and appreciate the opportunities and support provided by the trust.

The school has carefully considered the workload demands on staff when it makes changes.

Parents are well supported and included in the education and care of their children, for example through the provision of stay-and-learn sessions.

Governors and trustees know the school well.

They provide the school with appropriate challenge and support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, the school has not identified clearly what it wants pupils to learn.

This hampers pupils from learning all that they should. It also makes it difficult for teachers to know what they should assess to make sure that pupils' knowledge is secure. The school should identify the essential knowledge that it wants pupils to learn in all subjects.

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