St Bede’s Catholic Primary School, South Shields

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About St Bede’s Catholic Primary School, South Shields

Name St Bede’s Catholic Primary School, South Shields
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Carol Devine
Address Claypath Lane, South Shields, NE33 4PG
Phone Number 01914560108
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 232
Local Authority South Tyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

St Bede's is a thriving school community where pupils flourish and feel safe. The Catholic values are evident in all aspects of school life. The school recognises each pupil as a unique individual.

Staff have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The highly ambitious curriculum prepares pupils well for the next stage of their education. Pupils demonstrate excellent attitudes to learning.

They love being part of the St Bede's family. The school supports pupils and their families to ensure that there are no barriers to regular attendance. As a result, pupils' outcomes at the end of Year 6 ar...e significantly above national levels.

The school's skilfully crafted wider curriculum provides many opportunities for pupils to make a difference to their own school, community and wider world. The school's vision of 'excellence in all that we do' and values such as courage and respect permeate this school. Pupils live out this vision and values through leading assemblies, caring for the environment and fundraising for charities.

Pupils' behaviour is impeccable. They are kind, responsible and respectful. Pupils show a deep appreciation of the many differences that exist between people.

This begins in the early years. Pupils support each other consistently. Older pupils take on the role of play leaders, organising games for other pupils to enjoy at lunchtimes.

Some become peer mentors and are trained by specialists to help support other pupils' mental health.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school helps pupils seamlessly transition to the local secondary school. Primary and secondary colleagues work in partnership to produce sequences of learning that help pupils develop a deep and rich body of knowledge over time.

Pupils practise and recall prior learning in every lesson. As a result, they make secure connections within their learning. Using the school's 'three questions in three minutes' approach, teachers rigorously identify and address any gaps in pupils' learning.

Pupils apply the knowledge they have developed across all subjects. Pupils with SEND study the same curriculum as their peers. They achieve equally well.

This is because they receive precise support to ensure that they achieve the best possible outcomes.

For pupils to access such an ambitious curriculum, leaders have made the teaching of reading a high priority. Right from Nursery, children begin to learn letters that match sounds.

Reception-age children quickly learn and build new sounds. They blend unfamiliar words and sentences. They apply their phonics knowledge to write accurately.

This helps them access more demanding tasks. Pupils in Year 1 read with fluency. The number of pupils reaching the expected standard in phonics at the end of Year 1 in 2023 was significantly above the national average.

Staff effectively support pupils who fall behind to catch up quickly. Older pupils fluently read a range of texts and styles. They share their love of reading by reviewing their favourite books, including making video recommendations.

The school ensures that the curriculum for all subjects starts in the early years and builds, step by step, from Nursery through to Year 6. Children in Nursery and Reception develop their counting skills through songs and rhymes. They learn about their personal history through the lens of family and familiar people.

Consequently, children have the building blocks to communicate their ideas about history in future years. Leaders ensure that children have the opportunities and vocabulary needed to be excellent communicators.

The school's support for pupils' wider development is exemplary and is threaded through the curriculum.

Pupils learn how to take good care of themselves physically and mentally. They gain first-hand experiences that bring the curriculum to life. For example, pupils sing in a cathedral and discuss democracy with the mayor at the local town hall.

The curriculum prepares pupils for their life beyond school. Staff raise pupils' aspirations through visits from a range of professionals. As a result, pupils are ambitious for their future lives.

The school provides a vast array of sporting opportunities for all pupils, including those with SEND. For example, pupils with SEND take part in the Panathlon Challenge with pupils from other schools and compete in boccia competitions. Staff develop strong links with local sports clubs and forensically track participation in sport to ensure that no pupil misses out.

Teachers benefit from the high-quality training that leaders provide. They regularly join other teachers from the trust for professional development events. As a result, teachers have a very strong subject knowledge.

They present information clearly and evoke pupils' interest and curiosity through a range of stimulating resources. Staff share leaders' relentless pursuit of excellence. They are proud to work at the school.

Staff morale is high. They feel well supported.

The school, governing body and trust show exceptional commitment to providing an exemplary education for pupils at this school.

They support and challenge in equal measure. Parents describe St Bede's as a wonderful place to be, where children not only learn subjects but learn how to be better humans as well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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