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Pupils grow into caring, considerate and inquisitive individuals. There are strong, positive relationships between the school and the wider community. Families welcome the wide range of resources and workshops the school provides to support learning at home.
They say they feel very fortunate to have their child at this school.
Behaviour is exceptional. In lessons and around the school, pupils take responsibility for their conduct and help each other to meet the school's high expectations.
Pupils are highly motivated and make excellent progress. This is because the school is ambitious that all pupils, including tho...se with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), become confident, independent learners.
Pupils and staff work together to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment.
Pupils are safe here. Sports leaders help organise games for younger children, and 'wellness ambassadors' make sure that pupils feel happy and included in the playground. Pupils learn about the science of fitness and how to care for their bodies.
They take part in the daily mile and look forward to the many sports clubs and dance lessons, including street dance and Irish dancing. Through a wide range of trips, including to other countries, pupils build their understanding of themselves as global citizens.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has woven a bespoke curriculum that links learning from the early years through to Year 6, within and across subjects.
Each part of the learning journey is clear. Pupils' spirits are ignited and fuelled through interesting key questions. They hook their learning onto the carefully crafted connections that staff have put in place.
Pupils are expected to think deeply about their learning, and they do. For example, when they are learning about finance, Year 6 pupils consider the value of money and its link to happiness. Over time, pupils learn to make links with the school's values and moral teaching for themselves.
They achieve exceptionally well and are well equipped for what comes next.
Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They are highly skilled in designing activities that engage pupils in their learning.
For example, they have created a small 'museum' so that pupils can visualise objects from the past. In lessons, there are frequent opportunities for pupils to rehearse and extend their learning through discussion. Pupils approach this with enthusiasm.
Sometimes, however, activities chosen for children in the early years are not as tightly aligned to the school's curriculum as they could be, and children do not secure the knowledge that leaders intend they should.
The school ensures that the additional needs of pupils with SEND are identified as soon as possible. Staff use this information to adapt the learning carefully so that pupils with SEND access a full and rich curriculum.
As a result, pupils with SEND achieve very well.
The curriculum is based around carefully selected texts. Through reading, pupils explore a wide range of ideas and experiences.
Whole-school reading books are used to spark discussion and support pupils to understand complex issues in an age-appropriate way. For example, pupils can talk confidently about their emotions, how to manage conflict and caring for the environment. This supports pupils' love of reading and contributes to the school's exceptional provision for pupils' wider development.
In the early years, children are exposed to a range of language-rich experiences. Those who are new to English are very well supported. For example, adults provide additional support in lessons to help them to build their confidence and develop their vocabulary.
Phonics teaching begins promptly at the start of Reception. Well-trained staff deliver the phonics programme with precision. Pupils quickly learn to blend sounds to form words.
When pupils struggle with their reading, staff provide highly effective support, which helps them to catch up quickly. Pupils of all ages enjoy opportunities to hear from visiting authors and there is a well-attended book club. Pupils look forward to rewards from the book dispenser.
Pupils enjoy being part of the school's diverse and welcoming community. They take their responsibilities within the school very seriously. Parents and carers rightly appreciate the caring and inclusive feel within the school.
The greetings on the gate each morning and regular contact with families aid this sense of belonging and secure high attendance.
Staff are proud to work here and receive high-quality support and training, including from the trust. Leaders consider staff's well-being and workload in the decisions that they make.
Governors know the school well and make time regularly to listen to staff. This means they are aware of any concerns and take prompt action where needed.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Sometimes, there is a lack of clarity about the intended learning outcomes of activities in the early years. This means that staff are sometimes not clear about the best way to support children's learning and development. The school should ensure that the purpose of activities is clear so that staff can provide targeted support and maximise opportunities to move children's learning forward.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.