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They feel included at St. Bridget's Catholic Primary School. Staff expect pupils to achieve well.
This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils enjoy learning and they work hard in lessons. Pupils achieve well in most subjects.
Staff foster strong relationships with pupils. Pupils feel confident to reach out to adults if they have a problem. Staff deal with bullying effectively.
This helps pupils to feel safe.
Pupils learn about different cultures. They understand the importance of being tolerant and respectful of one another.
Pupils are proud of the different cult...ures represented within their school community. They embrace diversity.
Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.
Overall, pupils behave with maturity around the school. Children begin to learn the expectations and school routines as soon as they start in the Reception class. Pupils enjoy lunchtimes because there are lots of games that they can play.
Older pupils appreciate the many opportunities to be role models for younger pupils. For example, pupils in Year 6 act as buddies for children in the Reception class. They benefit from going on trips to places of interest, such as museums and art galleries.
Pupils also enjoy going on residential visits, where they take part in activities such as caving and canoeing.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have successfully addressed the areas for improvement from the previous inspection. They have raised their aspirations for what pupils can and should achieve.
Leaders and governors have ensured that pupils benefit from a consistently strong quality of education.
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum for pupils in key stages 1 and 2. The curriculum in the early years is equally ambitious.
This enables children to flourish. Overall, pupils learn well across the curriculum. Children in the early years are well prepared for all that Year 1 has to offer.
Leaders make sure that the curriculum is accessible to all pupils, including those with SEND. Pupils with SEND develop a secure body of subject knowledge. Leaders have implemented appropriate strategies for identifying and assessing pupils with SEND.
They make sure that these pupils achieve as well as others in the school.
In most subjects, leaders have made sure that they have identified the most important information that pupils should learn. They have successfully organised the curriculum so that most pupils build on what they already know and can do.
For example, in art and design, pupils learn how to block print with repeated patterns in key stage 1. In key stage 2, they develop their knowledge further by learning about relief printing. Nevertheless, in a very small number of subjects, the curriculum design is at an earlier stage.
The key knowledge that pupils should learn is less well defined. Consequently, some pupils do not learn all that they could in these subjects.
Teachers use well-thought-out strategies to check that pupils remember what they have learned.
They make appropriate use of assessment information to adapt the delivery of the curriculum to provide timely extra help to those who need it. Teachers address pupils' misconceptions quickly and effectively.
Leaders prioritise teaching pupils to read as soon as they start school.
Leaders have successfully introduced a new phonics curriculum. Teachers have been trained to deliver the phonics programme so that it is implemented consistently well. Staff quickly identify any pupils who are struggling to learn to read and make sure that they quickly receive extra help.
This is so that they can become confident and fluent readers. Pupils practise reading the sounds that they have learned with books that match the sounds that they know. Pupils said that they enjoy reading.
They can talk in-depth about their favourite books and authors.
Pupils typically behave well. They listen to teachers and try their best.
Children in the early years settle into school well. This is because staff make sure that the learning environment is calm and well organised. Leaders take appropriate actions to make sure that all pupils attend school regularly.
Leaders think carefully about the opportunities that they provide to support pupils' wider personal development. Pupils can take on roles such as being play leaders and anti-bullying ambassadors. They said that they make a positive contribution to the school by carrying out these roles.
Pupils benefit from a wide range of clubs, such as gardening, choir and yoga.
The parents and carers who spoke with inspectors were positive about the school. They said that staff are approachable and helpful.
Governors know the school well and provide effective support and challenge. They have a clear and ambitious vision for the school. Staff said that leaders are considerate of their workload.
Staff are proud to work at the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff know pupils and families very well.
Adults are well trained in the school's safeguarding procedures. This means that they can quickly identify those pupils who need extra help and support. Staff provide support in a timely manner and seek additional help from external agencies, when necessary.
Pupils learn how to keep safe. They learn about keeping safe online, the risks associated with taking drugs, fire safety, road safety and water safety. Leaders invite visitors into school to talk to pupils about these issues, such as police community support officers.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a very small number of subjects, leaders have not decided the most important information that pupils should learn. This means that some pupils do not develop a sufficiently deep and rich body of subject knowledge in these curriculum areas. Leaders should refine their curriculum thinking in these remaining subjects so that pupils learn all the important information that they should.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.