St Clement and St James CofE Primary School

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About St Clement and St James CofE Primary School

Name St Clement and St James CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Sarah Bouette
Address Penzance Place, London, W11 4PG
Phone Number 02076039225
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 158
Local Authority Kensington and Chelsea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, families and staff are proud to be part of this caring community. Leaders have created a supportive and nurturing environment where pupils feel safe. Relationships between staff and pupils are very positive.

Parents and carers praise the dedication of staff and the support they receive from leaders.

Pupils enjoy coming to this school. They are eager to learn, and behave extremely well.

They are highly motivated, and support and encourage each other. They are polite and courteous and develop in confidence as they move up the school.

Pupils are enthusiastic about their outdoor play areas.

During breaktimes, they enjoy varied activities..., including dance, sport and the mud kitchen. After-school clubs are well attended, and pupils have varied opportunities to develop their talents and interests.

Pupils are supported to develop their independence.

Older pupils take on roles of responsibility, such as leading prayer circles and running 'eco' clubs. Pupils contribute to their communities through the 'courageous advocates' programme.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have established a strong and supportive culture.

Staff and parents praise the exceptional level of care that leaders provide. Staff know their well-being is a priority for leaders. Staff are highly motivated, and there is a restless drive for improvement across all aspects of the school.

Staff value the ongoing training they receive from across the federation as well as from external experts. As a result, teachers continue to develop their subject knowledge.

Leaders have ensured that a well-organised and well-sequenced curriculum is in place for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils access the full range of national curriculum subjects. They look forward to 'Fantastic Fridays', where they are taught computing, art, engineering and Arabic by subject specialists.

Leaders have highly ambitious aims for the curriculum.

In some subjects, leaders continue to develop the curriculum to meet these aims. As a result, some areas of the curriculum are further advanced in their development than others. This means that currently, in some subjects, teachers select subject content, teaching strategies and resources that are not adapted to reflect the abilities of all groups of pupils.

Pupils make excellent progress in learning to read. Children start their phonics programme at the start of Reception. Staff have been well trained, and pupils know the routines.

Pupils' progress is carefully checked. Pupils who need help to catch up are given targeted support to do so.

Reading is prioritised across the school.

Stories are at the heart of learning in many subjects. For example, pupils use stories to engage with the experiences of the past, and poetry is used to help teach engineering. This starts in the early years, where the curriculum is designed around core texts which spark children's interest in the world around them.

Pupils are exposed to a wide variety of authors and genres. They enjoy regular trips to the local library and look forward to reading and being read to.

Leaders set high expectations for pupils' behaviour.

Pupils' behaviour in lessons and around the school is excellent. There is a calm and purposeful atmosphere around the school. Pupils are ready to learn and eager to participate.

All staff are positive role models. Pupils who find it hard to regulate their behaviour are skilfully supported so they can re-engage with their learning. Leaders provide a broad therapeutic offer for pupils who need it.

Pupils with SEND are helped to learn alongside their peers and enjoy doing so.

Pupils have many and varied opportunities for play. Leaders have established a stimulating outdoor environment, where pupils enjoy building structures, reading, dressing up and dancing during their lunchtimes.

The popular 'mud kitchens' are available for all pupils, including in the nursery. Pupils are proud of their garden and growing projects.

Leaders prioritise pupils' wider development.

Pupils are taught how to recognise and regulate their emotions, and do so with increasing maturity. Pupils are taught about courtesy and manners and speak to adults with confidence and respect. Pupils learn the conventions of effective debate, and have opportunities to take part in debates about social issues.

This includes learning how to disagree respectfully. Pupils have an excellent understanding of fundamental British values. For example, they know why we have laws, how they link to rules and how they help to keep people safe.

Leaders have set up a carefully planned and sequenced curriculum for relationships and sex education and health education. This learning begins in the early years, where pupils learn the basics of hygiene, safety and how to recognise and talk about their feelings. Leaders work with outside agencies to ensure the curriculum is up to date.

This includes learning about apps, social media and how to use the internet safely. Leaders consult with pupils about their learning and use this to develop the curriculum so that it meets pupils' needs.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding at this school. Staff have ongoing training, and leaders ensure weekly safeguarding briefings help staff to identify and report relevant issues. Staff are clear about the system for reporting.

They are alert to any small changes in pupils that might cause concern, and respond swiftly. Leaders and staff know their pupils and families very well. This means pupils and their families are confident to speak with leaders if they have concerns.

Safeguarding leads work sensitively and effectively with families to provide support. Leaders have invested in an additional family support worker to ensure that help is available when it is needed. Leaders also work closely with other external agencies and the local authority.

Pupils are taught how to stay safe through the curriculum. This includes learning about privacy and rights over our bodies from an appropriate age. Pupils know they can talk to adults about any worries or concerns they have.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• At times, teachers do not choose content, resources and teaching strategies that are well suited to pupils' different needs and capabilities. This limits some pupils' progression through the curriculum. Leaders must ensure that teachers adapt their approach so that pupils of all abilities make strong progress.

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