St David’s Church of England Primary School

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About St David’s Church of England Primary School

Name St David’s Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jennifer Walker
Address East Street, Moreton-in-Marsh, GL56 0LQ
Phone Number 01608650521
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 269
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils say that they feel safe and happy in school.

They are polite and respect staff, each other and visitors. Pupils are guided by the school mission statement to develop 'enquiring minds, caring hearts and creative hands'.

Teachers have high expectations for pupils' behaviour.

Pupils learn in classes that are usually calm and purposeful. They feel well supported by their teachers. However, there are a small number of pupils who find it difficult to manage their own behaviour.

This can disrupt learning. Some parents worry about this. However, leaders are beginning to meet the needs of these pupils with support from external agencies.

Pupil...s tell us that behaviour is getting better. If bullying happens, pupils are confident that it will be dealt with quickly.

Pupils have a wide range of extra-curricular experiences through clubs, visits and events.

Leaders are working with pupils to create an 'ambition passport'. This is to ensure all pupils try new activities that will develop their personal skills.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, including governors, are ambitious for all pupils.

They know the strengths of the school and what they need to do to improve the quality of education. Most subjects have a clearly sequenced curriculum. Senior leaders support subject leaders to develop their subjects well.

Subject leaders are enthusiastic about improving the subject curriculums so that pupils know and remember more.

Leaders' curriculum thinking is clear about what they want pupils to learn in most areas. However, in some subjects, for example science, the curriculum thinking is not clear about the order of knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn over time.

This makes it difficult for teaching to build on what pupils already know. Pupils sometimes do not have the essential knowledge they need before moving on to a new topic.

Teaching in most subjects is based on secure subject knowledge.

Teachers use this to help pupils learn well. Leaders know where teachers need support. They plan training to develop teachers' subject knowledge successfully, for example, in physical education (PE).

Teaching helps pupils to develop their mathematical reasoning. This means pupils secure their mathematical knowledge well. Pupils know where they have found mathematics difficult and how to overcome this.

Leaders make learning to read a priority. They are introducing a new phonics scheme. This is already having a positive impact in Reception and is being phased in throughout Years 1 and 2.

The early years curriculum is carefully sequenced and is focused on high-quality books. Staff share books with children in a way that excites them about reading. Pupils who are finding reading difficult are supported well.

This is helping them to develop the phonics knowledge they need. Pupils become fluent readers. Nevertheless, not all books that pupils read match the sounds they have learned in the new scheme.

Leaders are in the process of acquiring books that match the scheme more closely.

Teachers support the learning of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. They follow the full curriculum.

However, some of the individual targets for pupils with SEND are too broad. They do not focus clearly enough on the actions staff need to take to support pupils' social and emotional well-being.

There are appropriate systems in place to record and track behaviour incidents.

Leaders use this information to work with pupils and their parents. Leaders use professional advice to support staff to meet pupils' needs well. Staff are developing a consistent approach to behaviour management.

This is having a positive impact on pupils' emotional development and behaviour. In the early years, adults look for opportunities to praise children. This helps children to meet the staff's expectations for behaviour.

Leaders use exclusions when necessary. There are systems in place to support pupils when they return to school. These identify agreed actions for the school, for pupils and for parents.

Leaders share information regularly with parents. Parents have opportunities to raise their concerns with leaders and governors. Leaders respond to these concerns appropriately.

Leaders provide activities to promote pupils' personal development successfully. There are opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills. For example, pupils are proud to represent their school as a member of the school council or being a reading champion.

Pupils are beginning to develop their understanding of citizenship. This prepares them for life in modern Britain.

Leaders provide good support for pupils' and staff's well-being.

For example, the school community developed a multi-sensory well-being garden. Staff appreciate the support from leaders to manage their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are well trained and supported to carry out their safeguarding roles and responsibilities. They know what actions they need to take if they have concerns about a pupil's welfare. Leaders quickly identify where pupils need support.

Staff are rigorous in securing appropriate support.

Teachers help pupils to understand how to keep themselves safe. For example, this means that pupils know about online risks and what they need to do to stay safe.

Leaders complete the required recruitment checks before staff begin working at the school. Governors check safeguarding arrangements regularly.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, the curriculum is not taught in a sufficiently sequenced logical progression.

This means some pupils can miss key concepts they need to know to progress through the curriculum successfully. Senior leaders need to support subject leaders to sequence the curriculum more carefully in these subjects. This is so teachers can build on what pupils already know.

• The individual targets for some pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs are not sufficiently detailed to meet their needs. This means that support is sometimes not as effective as it could be. Leaders need to ensure that targets are specific enough to enable teachers to help these pupils learn well.

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