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Everyone is encouraged to 'BRING it!' to this school.
The school's values of bringing courage, creativity and friendship are pupils' daily experience. Pupils develop a sense of their own individuality and how they contribute to being a community.
There has been a significant increase in pupils attending the school over the last three years.
These pupils, and their parents, quickly settle into the school due to the warm welcome. In the early years, this welcome starts as soon as children are allocated a place. Opportunities such as the teddy bears' picnic help children to belong to the school family before they start school.
The extensive range of clu...bs, trips and activities is a key feature of the school's offer. There is something for everyone. Pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged or who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit enormously from these experiences.
These well-planned opportunities all contribute to pupils' character development.
This is a school where pupils strive for excellence. Their thirst for learning means they behave well in lessons.
They show pride in their work and achieve highly. Mutual respect underpins the strong relationships across the school. Pupils trust adults to treat them fairly and keep them safe.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Everyone has a relentless drive to give pupils an exceptional education. No one is complacent here. As well as pupils, the staff, governors, and trust want to 'BRING it!' to the school.
This culture of continual improvement applies to everyone. The trust gives the school support while also allowing it to explore what works for its pupils. This has built a culture of excellence which the trust shares with other schools.
Children get off to a flying start in the early years. The inspirational environment supports them to develop curiosity and independence. For example, the 'curiosity cube' provides an ever-changing stimulus for awe and wonder.
It promotes children's interest and questions. Throughout the school, pupils thoroughly enjoy their learning. This is because the curriculum sparks their interest until the end of Year 6.
Visits, visitors, and projects bring learning to life. Pupils use their knowledge in real life situations. They work alongside villagers on the shared allotment or in the community shop.
This builds pupils' confidence and character. Learning about trucks alongside adults with learning disabilities develops pupils' understanding and compassion. The school expertly weaves these rich experiences into the curriculum.
Consequently, pupils recall the knowledge they have learned. They know how they might use this in the future.
Reading is central to school life.
The environment celebrates books and reading for pleasure. Pupils learn to read well. Adults teaching the phonics programme have excellent subject knowledge.
This means they are precise and confident when implementing the programme. Regular checks on what pupils know help pupils to keep up with the programme. This particularly helps pupils, and particularly those with SEND, to develop fluency.
Older pupils are enthusiastic about the books they read. They find them exciting.
Adults regularly talk with early years children as they play and learn.
They use ambitious vocabulary. This gives children a wealth of language to talk about their learning. As children move into key stage 1, the school have identified the important vocabulary across the curriculum.
Pupils are therefore able to use technical vocabulary when speaking and writing. In mathematics, the school has designed 'ROCK' as a consistent start to lessons. Pupils' 'Recall Of Current Knowledge' is excellent.
They use this knowledge to solve problems and give reasons for their thinking.
Pupils' writing, particularly in early years and key stage 1, is exceptional. Since starting in the Reception Year four weeks ago, children are already confident to have a go.
They use the letters they have learned to write accurate words. Their enthusiasm is visible. Children are extremely well-prepared to continue this high standard of writing in Year 1 and 2, which they do.
Older pupils write with flair and technical accuracy.
The impact of the well-implemented curriculum is evident in pupils' outcomes. Throughout the school, pupils achieve exceptionally well.
St Dominic's ensures pupils are highly prepared for the next step in their education.
The personal, social and health education curriculum, including relationships and sex education, prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain. Pupils have a strong understanding of diversity and equality.
They know what discrimination is and why some people might be discriminated against. Pupils have a strong moral code. They understand that people can be different and hold different opinions.
They recognise the need for tolerance and respect for everyone.
Local governors and trustees fulfil their statutory duties diligently. They assure themselves of the information they receive.
They support and challenge the school in equal measure. Their focus on staff well-being and development is key to retaining the exceptional staff team.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.