St Edward’s Catholic First School

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About St Edward’s Catholic First School

Name St Edward’s Catholic First School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rhona Miccoli
Address Parsonage Lane, Windsor, SL4 5EN
Phone Number 01753860607
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 5-9
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 269
Local Authority Windsor and Maidenhead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are very happy. They are confident and eager to talk about their school, learning and play.

Visitors to lessons are met by 'class greeters' who explain the work going on in their class. Pupils take pride in being reading ambassadors, well-being champions and house captains, and taking on other roles of responsibility.

Adults have high expectations of behaviour and the atmosphere within the school is calm and friendly.

Pupils enjoy assemblies. Here they develop an understanding of how they should treat others and that bullying is never tolerated. Pupils are accepting of each other's differences and are kind to each other.

Pupils eat together at... lunchtime before going out to play. They learn about the importance of turn-taking, which helps them play happily together. The school's community ethos can be clearly seen in these pupil interactions.

Pupils are sensible in lessons and focus on their work. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are included in all lessons. Their independence is sensitively balanced with the helpful adult support they receive.

Teachers know pupils well and relationships are strong. Pupils are very clear that they trust their teachers to look after them.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders foster a strong sense of community across the school.

This helps pupils to feel confident, happy and keen to learn. Pupils' behaviour is calm and considerate. Leaders teach pupils about why it is important to be respectful.

Pupils talk about 'everyone being equally special' and they treat each other accordingly. They can recognise and describe both positive and negative relationships. Pupils attend a wide variety of school clubs such as self-defence, Lego and tennis.

The 'merit assembly' is popular, and pupils enjoy celebrating each other's success. This contributes to the positive atmosphere.

In subjects such as reading and mathematics, what pupils will learn and achieve by the end of Year 4 has been carefully considered and organised.

Pupils are taught key mathematical knowledge, which they practise and apply. They can confidently use their knowledge of number to explore mathematical ideas and problems.

Reading is prioritised for all pupils.

Pupils enjoy exploring books as a whole class during 'book talk'. Teachers and pupils talk about books every day. Focused, small-group discussions help pupils reach a better understanding of the book that are reading.

All teachers and teaching assistants have had training to ensure they can confidently teach phonics. Consequently, pupils get the right support to become confident and fluent readers. Year 4 'reading leaders' are passionate about helping other pupils to love books.

They write book reviews which are published to parents to help them choose books for their children.

In many other subjects, the curriculum has been thoughtfully constructed to help pupils develop their knowledge across key stage 1 and early key stage 2. However, in a small number of subjects, the curriculum does not always support pupils in building knowledge over time.

This means that pupils find it difficult to link topics together. Also, teachers do not regularly track how much pupils have learned and what they can remember. This means that pupils do not always learn as much as they could.

Planning for pupils with SEND is thorough. Teaching assistants are well trained. They make sure that pupils with SEND gain independence while still feeling supported in class.

Leaders make sure that parents are involved at every stage and understand how best to help their children. Monitoring of progress towards clear targets means that, where precise curriculums are in place, teaching is appropriately adapted. In subjects without precise curriculum aims adaption is less developed.

The early years staff know children very well. Children explore their learning both indoors and outside. Their activities are carefully planned to help pupils develop the skills and knowledge needed to be academically and socially successful.

Teachers prioritise developing children's language and communication. The vocabulary children can use is increased through careful questioning and descriptions. This helps children interact well together and with the adults who help them.

Like older pupils, children in early years are confident to talk about their learning.

Leaders know that precise curriculum sequencing leads to pupils knowing more and remembering more. However, they do not always assure themselves that subject leaders have the support and guidance needed to oversee and plan the curriculum.

Consequently, this can affect the workload of staff. Leaders are aware of this, and, along with a new governing body, are keen to provide staff with any support needed.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders know pupils well. This means they can quickly spot any concerns about a pupil's safety or well-being. Staff are regularly trained and know what signs to look out for.

Record-keeping is thorough and regularly updated. Several members of staff are qualified as designated safeguarding leads to ensure that there is always someone available. Leaders are persistent in securing help from agencies where necessary.

Governors fulfil their statutory duties around safeguarding.

Pupils say that they trust that their teachers would act quickly if they had a concern. They understand about the importance of healthy relationships and how to keep themselves safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the precise knowledge and skills which pupils need have not been carefully mapped out. Teachers are therefore not able to quickly identify where pupils have gaps in their understanding. Leaders should ensure all subjects have complete and sequenced curriculums to allow teachers to check pupils' knowledge and understanding.

• Subject leaders have not always had the support and monitoring required as they implement the curriculum. This means that curriculum planning in a small number of subjects is not as secure as it is in others. Leaders should ensure effective use of monitoring processes to ensure the full curriculum is put in place.

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