St Eugene de Mazenod Roman Catholic Primary School

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About St Eugene de Mazenod Roman Catholic Primary School

Name St Eugene de Mazenod Roman Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Rebecca Smith
Address Mazenod Avenue, London, NW6 4LS
Phone Number 02076244837
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 196
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thoroughly enjoy attending this school. Leaders are determined that pupils become 'the best they can be'.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), respond very positively to the high expectations of their learning and behaviour. Consequently, they work hard and achieve exceptionally well across the curriculum.

Leaders fully promote reading.

Pupils love books and they enjoy talking about the way reading helps them to create pictures and ideas in their minds. Pupils also enjoy learning the wide range of subjects they study. For example, they get to know and understand a range of different artists through their wo...rk in art and design.

The school provides extensive opportunities to promote pupils' character development. Pupils take on additional responsibilities, such as becoming a prayer leader. They are taught to challenge stereotypes and celebrate differences, for example pupils regularly hear from a range of visitors from different religious backgrounds.

Staff and pupils have very positive relationships. Pupils trust staff to help them if they have any worries and, therefore, they feel safe. Staff have consistently high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

As a result, pupils' behaviour is excellent, both in and out of lessons.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's ambition for pupils is evident in the depth and breadth of the curriculum. The curriculum is sequenced, so that pupils' knowledge builds securely and successfully.

In the early years, children confidently learn number bonds to 10, so that they can complete harder sums in Year 1 and beyond. Teachers' very clear examples help pupils to complete learning successfully. Across the curriculum, teachers routinely check pupils' knowledge.

They act quickly to address any gaps in knowledge and correct any misunderstandings. Pupils produce high-quality work across all subjects.

The school's work to identify and support pupils with SEND is excellent.

Leaders check that actions designed to help pupils are being delivered consistently and effectively. They ensure that staff have the knowledge and skills required to meet the needs of pupils with SEND. As a result, staff expertly support pupils with SEND, enabling them to access the curriculum and achieve strong outcomes.

The school prioritises reading. Children in Reception start learning phonics straight away. Leaders ensure that staff receive training and ongoing support to help improve pupils' reading.

Pupils speak enthusiastically about the books that they have enjoyed. Expert staff quickly identify those pupils who find reading more difficult. They provide excellent support, so that these pupils catch up quickly.

Pupils build up a strong understanding of vocabulary. This is achieved because staff explicitly teach carefully chosen words in different contexts. The school's sharp focus on vocabulary helps pupils to successfully access the whole curriculum.

Staff teach, model and praise the behaviour they expect from pupils. For example, pupils learn about body language and how to show others that they are attentively listening. Pupils treat each other and staff with kindness and respect.

Lessons are free from any low-level disruption. Pupils also know the school's values and can talk about what they and their friends have done to demonstrate them. Pupils show high levels of determination and resilience.

Their attendance is high. Leaders manage attendance well and act quickly on any identified concerns.

The school's work to promote pupils' personal development is exceptional.

Pupils are taught extensively about how to manage risks, including when online. For example, pupils in Years 5 and 6 are given different scenarios to think about, involving topics such as knife crime. Pupils have regular opportunities to debate and consider topical issues using the knowledge that they have been taught.

Pupils actively support the well-being of other pupils, for example, at sports day.

Leaders and governors have very high ambition and have ensured that there is high- quality in all aspects of the school's work. Teachers feel very well supported by leaders, citing that leaders are considerate and help ensure that workload is manageable.

The training and support that leaders provide to staff is a clear strength of the school. The partnership with other local schools helps to strengthen the range and quality of staff training.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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