St Faith’s Church of England Primary School

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About St Faith’s Church of England Primary School

Name St Faith’s Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr James Hartley
Address St Faith’s Road, St Cross, Winchester, SO23 9QB
Phone Number 01962854934
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 147
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at this school demonstrate the values of courage, trust, love and hope.

These values drive decision-making in all areas of the school. Pupils benefit from the school's high ambitions and expectations that they will achieve well. They do not give up when they learn new things and keep going for sustained periods.

Pupils achieve well at this school, especially in reading and mathematics.

The school is a very happy place to be. Pupils love attending and are eager to learn.

They have warm and mutually respectful relationships with everyone in the school. Pupils are considerate and calm. A sense of kindness and care permeates the school.

S...ocial times are harmonious because pupils take care of each other and their environment. They enjoy playtimes and help each other in the various activities that staff provide for them.

Pupils appreciate the wide range of leadership opportunities on offer.

Whether as digital leaders, school counsellors or 'eco-warriors', pupils learn to be responsible members of their community. Pupils care deeply about their school. This is evident in how they actively encourage each other to be the best that they can be.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's well-sequenced curriculum sets out the small steps of knowledge that pupils need to learn and in what order. Children in Reception achieve exceptionally well because of their exceptional concentration and teachers' sharply focused activities. Pupils are well prepared for their next steps in learning at each key stage.

This is reflected in the school's highly positive examination results in 2023.

Teachers' secure understanding of the curriculum helps pupils to build knowledge successfully over time. Lesson activities enthuse and interest pupils.

Very precise and detailed assessment of children in Reception means that the school identifies any needs that children may have swiftly. The special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) provision in the school is highly effective. All pupils with SEND have targeted and precise support in place so they can access and succeed in every subject.

In most subjects, the school's assessments spot when a pupil has fallen behind. This is most effective in early reading and mathematics, where teachers assess pupils precisely against the knowledge they have learned. However, in some foundation subjects, assessment is less precise.

Currently, teachers do not check well enough if pupils have gained the specific knowledge that is set out in the curriculum. This inhibits some pupils' progress through the planned curriculum in these areas.

The school prioritises reading very effectively.

Teachers carefully build on and check how well pupils learn phonics. Any gaps in knowledge are swiftly identified through regular catch-up sessions. Expertly trained staff deliver these activities as well as daily phonics lessons.

Due to this, pupils in the school learn to read very well, including pupils with SEND.

Behaviour is exceptional. The school teaches pupils about positive behaviour and how to be an effective learner through all aspects of school life.

Teachers in Reception embed routines and rules for children from the time they start. As a result, from the youngest age, pupils show extremely positive attitudes to learning and excellent conduct. Staff take every opportunity to explore with pupils the impact of their behaviour on themselves and others.

Consequently, pupils display self-awareness and focus on their learning.

The school prioritises the personal development of pupils and provides a rich set of experiences. Pupils display exceptional warmth, tolerance and empathy towards others.

The school celebrates difference, and pupils have a strong belief that they should treat everyone with equal respect. Pupils truly value diversity and benefit from carefully crafted opportunities to deepen their understanding of the wider world. For example, they take part regularly in local, national and global fundraising events, such as for the local foodbank.

Governance is strong in the school. Governors know the school very well and provide leaders with highly effective challenge and support. Leaders show determination to ensure that the school is the best it can be for the pupils who attend here and they work closely with parents to achieve this.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some foundation subjects, teachers do not use assessment strategies as well as they could to adapt future learning. This hinders some teachers from rectifying misconceptions and gaps in pupils' knowledge quickly.

Leaders should continue to refine their approach to assessment in these subjects to support teachers to identify and address any gaps in pupils' knowledge

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